Cross Game – 43

Well, the moment I’ve feared has finally arrived: the tournament has officially started. Seeing as how I didn’t really like the previous tournament, I was ready to fear the worst of this series. And yet, here this episode comes and pleasantly surprises me.

I was ready to expect another predictable match against the former coach… and then Miki comes. It’s great to see a guy like him back after what was it? 30 episodes or so? His match was predictable, but well delivered and written and he really deserved to have won. It also build up for the next episode very well, in which Kou and the others are going to have to face him and his team.

I also liked the focus on the second years, but to be honest I’m not sure about the point that the creators tried to make with them. Usually the teammates in Adachi’s series who aren’t central to the plot are just “there”, but this episode made four carbon-copies try to hit on Aoba at the same time. Try to make them a bit individual if you do want to spend time on them, please!
Rating: ** (Excellent)

5 thoughts on “Cross Game – 43

  1. ” Try to make them a bit individual if you do want to spend time on them, please!”

    Don’t think we’re going to spend more time on them,it was just to show (yet again) how popular aoba is with guys…despite the fact that she doesn’t understand why,something that according to the preview will be the subject of the next episode

  2. Oh but they are different. It’s just you have to know baseball to understand how their different “goals” signified their differences.

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