Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 10

And here the next arc starts, and the creators yet again have found themselves a great concept. It’s here where any concept of “main character” gets completely lost. I guess that really the closest thing to a main character in this series has to be Hamyuts Meseta. Not because she has the most screentime, but rather that she’s somehow involved in every episode, even if it’s just watching from the sidelines. There’s still so much that we don’t know about her.

But yeah, even though Bones has its powerhouses of Full Metal Alchemist and Darker than Black, for me this remains the series with the best fights of all of the currently airing shows. Armed Librarians has this whole extra layer of strategy involved. It actually succeeds in something that only few series can boast: it has incredibly powerful characters, it has intricate strategies, and it has incredibly dangerous villains who can easily take out any moron who comes in their path. And yet, these incredible superpowers remain well defined, matched and logical.

Compare this to just about any other anime in which characters have huge superpowers: especially in the case of the villains, writers tend to write themselves into a wall with these types of characters: how the heck do you beat them without giving your main characters some godmode powers as well? It leads to huge power-level inconsistencies. And Armed Librarians is one of the few shows who can actually avoid it, thanks to Hamyuts Meseta, but also because its characters use their own powers wisely. In this series, you get a very good view of everyone’s strengths and weaknesses, and what their powers allow them to do. Even Hamyuts Meseta, the most powerful character in the series isn’t simply god-moded either: you can see that it’s possible for her to be defeated, if it wasn’t for Colio.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Armed Librarians – The Book of Bantorra – 10

  1. This series is amazing. What is Hamyuts connection to the Church of drowning grace? The new guy is crazy strong. And this anime has no qualms about killing off people, wow lol.

  2. I think Mokkania is on par with Hamyuts in closed room, knowing his power overwhelms anyone who does not levitate… the thing is, if Hamyuts act all sleazy, even exchanging greetings, with a possible villain last episode (the half invisible man), why does the Church still hunt her, with all this elaborate scheme to boot? I think that’s the question, since Hamyuts might as well be a villain anyway

  3. revthemilk, that is the great thing about this anime, it’s not clear-cut heroes/villains. Instead you have many characters as part of various factions, each with their own set of intricate, complex and sometimes conflicting motives, compulsions, obsessions, fears, hates, and agendas. Hamyuts may be “practically a villain” but that doesn’t mean her goals line up with the Church’s goals, even if she doesn’t see them as enemies to hate the way other librarians seem to. To her, it’s almost like this is all a really intense game of chess. She wants to win, but she also wants it to stay interesting, and because its like a game to her, she can talk to the enemy as if they were friendly rivals, not bitter enemies. And, we’ve just begun to peel back the layers of Hamyuts Messita anyways, we really have no idea what her goals are, or what her motives are, only that she loves a good fight, and does appear to be working for the interest of the Library, even when her methods are a touch shady.

  4. Agreed with PL. It’s hard to apply the conventional sense of hero/villains. It’s what makes it interesting albeit still slightly confusing (to me lol).

  5. “knowing his power overwhelms anyone who does not levitate”

    If he’s in a closed room then the ants could still drop off the roof onto mr.levitate. The ideal tactic would be to flood the place. I’m sure there must be at least one librarian that can fight effectively in water against a bunch of drowning ants

  6. This episode was beyond amazing! I really love this series so far! But , I don’t know why, but it also made me doubt of the real motivations of Hamyuts Meseta, for a moment , I thoght she was actually a villain here, not knowing anything about her past also makes her even more suspicious and when ” Makkania’s mother or whoever that person is” asked to protect him, it aroused suspicion and doubt. Protect him from whom? That’s when I thought that Hamyuts Meseta may not be someone everybody think she is. But well, I can’t wait to see what will happen in the next episode!

  7. I thought the traitor dude in the beginning took the sword Hamyuts used in this episode or did I miss something?

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