White Album – 19

Um… what? What?!

I should have known. I should have bloody known. Don’t get me wrong, this episode wasn’t exactly bad. The creators just did it again: as if the current storyline wasn’t already screwed up enough: the long-haired singer girl starts flirting with Touya. Technically though: I can’t fault this series: it was well built up, they both have their reasons (they both want to run away and ended up flirting with the nearest person possible, and just happened to be at the right time and place that made sense in the overall storyline), but holy crap. It’s a good thing that Haruka and Mana are taking a break or else all hell would really break loose. However, that eventual climax seems to be even more disastrous at this point.

But yeah, as much as I hate to admit it: the second season of White Album is actually pretty good. The first season definitely had its issues, mostly introducing pointless angst and emo. In the second season however, the angst is anything but pointless. In this episode, Yuki broke down crying, but who can fault her? She just found out that her boyfriend has been deceiving her with her best friend. It feels like something out of a bad soap opera, but it’s actually well built up. If you take everything that happened in the first season into account, this had to happen. Can this series still be called bad? In fact, I’m actually glad that we might get a School Days-like ending that doesn’t feel forced and instead consists out of genuine drama, and that doesn’t get bogged down by a terrible script, character-development or pointless fanservice.

Out of all eroge adaptations I watched, this one has the most realistic animation and quiet parts. As much as I hate to admit it, this series can only be seen as a step forward in this genre that lives off seeing who rip each other off the most.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

3 thoughts on “White Album – 19

  1. Nothing wrong with enjoying a trashy show! It’s entertaining and kinda realistic, dudes are jerks to their significant other.

  2. Touya might be the biggest asshole ever, but I dont feel any sympathy for Yuki either.. She always puts her career before the relationship, if it were me Id have ended it long ago

    Its just Touyas methods are questionable to say the least… And huh yeah what do you know, at this pace the blonde girl will also get involved, and maybe even the M3 president? Bahaha!

  3. I have a feeling that Menou singer girl has something to do with Touyota’s past!? When she asked the 2nd time if he remebered and he said again that they met on the street she said, “I guess not” Then he has that weird flashback of a bright light and the sound of summer with a girl. She looked like the girl that they first show during the ending credits, which i’m guessing is Menou now. Watch the creator’s will throw a curve ball and those two will run away together from that whole show bizz mess. Especially since Menou doesnt seem to like it anyway and Touya is basically burning bridges everywhere he goes! LOL!

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