Basquash! – 23

You know, for all I’ve ranted against this series for the past few episodes, this episode rocked. It did exactly what it’s supposed to do, and for the first time in what feels like a long, long time I’m excited about this series again. At the moment, there still is the danger of the love triangle taking up too much attention in the final two episodes for this series, but if the finale is just as this episode, it’s at least going to end with a good impression. I’m glad to see that all the build-up paid off in the end. I was really beginning to give up hope on this series, but the impending destruction of both the earth and the moon turned out to be exactly what this series needed to get every character back on track. Incidentally, in this episode Dan also was entirely unconscious. In the end, he didn’t turn out to e the best main character. I really liked him at the beginning of this series, but his development got a bit dull and cliché as the series went on. But damn, the eye-candy! Now this is the Satelight I remember again. The shots of the moon in this episode were absolutely gorgeous, but apart from that there were tons of other awesome shots and amazing eye-candy. I’m really glad to see that the creators of this series have been saving their budget for the final episodes. Now if only they can keep this up for the final two episodes! But I still am very worried. I know Kawamori by now, he’s going to go for some sort of cheesy romantic climax in the end. By far the worst part of this episode was the point in which Rouge kissed Dan back to life (no, seriously) and Flora happened to run into them, watching the entire process. PLEASE DON’T FOCUS THE FINALE ON THIS CHEESY LOVE TRIANGLE! Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>

2 thoughts on “Basquash! – 23

  1. yeah, if someone would do a apocalypse arc then it’s not that smart to focus on a cheesy love triangle but it was a great episode. It moved the story alot, it explained so it wouldn’t confuse the viewer and it took back Iceman which is probably the best character in the anime. 😀

  2. Flora may have feelings for dan but so far ive only seen her use them in supporting him, so the last part of her showing up to me only meet for her to barewitness to the legend. which she stated she wanted to see til the end. Miyuki had feelings but also decided to support dan. anywho i know alot of poeple have mixed feeling on this series but ive been exicted with it. you are right thu, the last few episodes focused on settling the characters goals and love insterest so the last few (i hope) shows the world why dan deserves the title of Legend in the Legend league.

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