Planetes – 9 & 10 [Regrets/A Sky of Stardust] – Throwback Thursday

Ah Planetes, one of the few things I look forward to every week since starting this. This time we have a number of background characters coming back in, Space continues to kill and Yuri gets some character. Lets jump in!

Planetes actually managed to surprise me this week, if I am being honest. I was not expecting the opening segment of the first episode to actually be relevant. Nor for Hachimaki’s previously unnamed mentor to re-enter the series. But continuing its streak of introducing or expanding on a new character each week, that is precisely what Planetes did. I will get into more depth on each of them later on, but right now I want to talk about a pattern I am noticing. Planetes keeps introducing these characters for one-off episodes, while still not having a central plot to advance. This makes me think that all of these characters are going to come back in the 2nd half. Aiding in whatever the final arc is. It’s a clever strategy, since it saves time on introductions in the future. I just hope Planetes manages to juggle them all well.

So let’s get to specifics starting with Episode 9, Regrets. Maybe it is a result of watching 2 episodes a week, or perhaps getting used to the ones with deeper themes. But for me Planetes didn’t hit the mark here until the end. I can enjoy the goofy fun, it gives us a break to destress. It was also a good way to introduce Gigalt as a character because we got to see him interact with every member of the team. But we already knew Hachimaki idolized his mentor from his flashback, I feel it didn’t add much. That said, the ending was strong. Once again a character is faced with the endless void of space, confronting just how small they are. This time it was a terrifying slow death in space, after a lifetime exploring it. It’s as if space travel only has one end result in Planetes.

As far as Gigalt is concerned, I actually liked him. I was expecting some kind of hard-ass who Hachimaki only remembers fondly. Instead we got this rambunctious fun loving guy, with nicknames for everyone. On some level, after the reveal at the end, it sort of feels like a final farewell. Meeting everyone, reminding them of their nicknames and time together. Mentoring each of them like they were his kids on some level. Even Tanabe, the newest to the crew, he begins to treat like a part of the family. I suppose this is why the new of his Leukemia at the end works so well, because I really wasn’t expecting it at all. Then at the end, even managing to setup his other student as a character, so that they both inevitably come back around for the second half. At least in that sense, Episode 9 truly worked.

Episode 10, A Sky of Stardust, however hit the mark much better. Not only did it give us some characterization for Yuri, someone who had largely been faceless up until now, it played against Tanabe’s character. Up until now I have been annoyed by her always shoving her nose into other people’s business. Her moralizing and nosy ways. This week however that character trait, the inability to sit by and let others deal with their own life, is turned against her. I enjoyed that consistent application of her character. How she can’t keep secrets well, how it drives her to have to something when there is no right answer. It was an interesting turnabout that helps me accept her earlier actions in the series. I think that, with this episode, Planetes proved that it cares about these characters and wants to portray them as realistically as possible.

For instance Yuri this week was phenomenal. Up until now he had little personality, mostly being a background member of the crew. We had no real hints I don’t think about any of this. Yuri was just a quiet guy who worked in the department. It’s a shame because this episode, with the focus actually on him, he came off much more interesting. He was mysterious, the flowers made you ask questions, the shots hanging on him staring out into space. All of these added to the suspense surrounding him. Had Planetes dropped these kind of hints earlier on, I think it could have been even better. Say have the crew ask him to dinner, only for him to reject it and search through debris lists. Have them call his name, but he doesn’t hear the first time staring out the window. I enjoyed it, but it could be better.

That said, while I have some gripes about his portrayal until now, what we got was great. Just like with Gigalt and Hachimaki’s flashback, I wasn’t expecting the opening scene of the first episode to be relevant. On one hand, it’s a clever way to save money on an impressive shot. On the other, we once again see how dangerous space it and Planetes wraps it all back around to a characters personal story. That Planetes tells us it happened years ago also helps to, retroactively at least, explain some of Yuri’s quiet behavior. It was also only after it was mentioned in the episode that I remembered that Yuri hadn’t come with them to the Moon. So it is possible that I am not giving Planetes enough credit on his portrayal. Either way, I quite enjoyed this episodes theme.

As for the actual ending, I thought it was touching. The music was appropriate and the backdrop of the Earth in space, with a solitary figure was dramatic. As an emotional high point that funeral and the grabbing of the compass definitely worked. It was explained to us how focused he was on getting it, fighting for years with no vacation. It makes sense that he would lose sight of the situation once it was in reach. As if to Yuri the compass was all that matters. I’m not really adding anything to the conversation on this bit, but I don’t think there is much to add. In my opinion the whole final segment fits together like a well made puzzle. Even managing to tie back in to Tanabes issue with keeping a secret for the betterment of the team. These are the episodes of Planetes I love the most.

So all in all, another successful week of Planetes. At this point, unless the Manager or Ravi are going to get a touching personal story, all thats left is to jump into the main plot. I wouldn’t begrudge Planetes those side stories though, as I personally think Ravi has one up his sleeve. The guy is to happy go lucky all the time and he has dropped hints of a family he is providing for back on Earth. Knowing what we do of the situation on the surface, I would expect at least one episode dedicated to hashing out or explaining his personal story. After that though, I hope Planetes jumps into the meat, because we are about at the half-way point.

What did you think though? Is Yuri being melodramatic, did you prefer Gigalt’s story to his? Let me know below, and if you have any suggestions for the next Throwback Thursday you haven’t already mentioned, postem below! I am going to hold a poll on the final episode review for this one.

2 thoughts on “Planetes – 9 & 10 [Regrets/A Sky of Stardust] – Throwback Thursday

  1. That moment with him opening the locket and seeing that message always gives me chills. It really is a fantastic scene.

    But got to ask…how in the hell did his wife have time to write it. By the time she would have any idea what was going on she was already dead.

    1. I assume it was already written there. The opening scene has her looking inside the compass and Yuri tries to peek, but she refuses. Saying even married couples have their secrets. I assume it was already there.

      It was a fantastic scene though. I rewatched it multiple times.

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