
Okay, I sincerely apologize to anyone who came by here and tried to post a comment. It seems that everyone who made a comment on Star Crossed in the past is fine, but for some reason, people entirely new here are somehow blocked. This really explains why I didn’t get visits from any new commenters out there. Thanks A LOT to Ten for pointing this out. O_o

The story is like this: about a month ago, every anime blogger out there suffered from huge waves of comment spam (you know, the ones at which you got automatically generated comments who were praising your blog). Star Crossed was no other. And even though it managed to catch a lot of them, the spammers soon found a way to bypass the spam blocker: don’t include any links in the post, and keep your name cryptic. This way, tons of those little buggers came through, and I had to delete them manually (I swear, once this year is over and I have enough time for it, I’m going to move to something with Akismet). Of course, I became sick of this, so I started to search for a way for them to be automatically detected by the anti-spam-feature of blogsome. I messed with a couple of settings, and the spamming stopped. But now I see that I seemed to have turned off the entire traffic for newcomers, which SO was NOT supposed to happen.

I’m currently looking into some way to undo this. Let’s hope that the comment spammers won’t return after this. Agh, this is one of the reasons I dislike Blogsome. *kicks random item*

Okay, I’ve managed to fix the problem. If you still have problems posting a comment, you can use the shoutbox on the right. With a bit of luck, I’ll be able to start moving around the end of june.

0 thoughts on “Aaaack!!!!

  1. Testing… Im new, and I tried to post my first (and huge) comment a few days ago and I couldn’t and kinda got upset… Now I understand… If this works, then its fixed (I dont see a autenticating number anymore…). And I’ll start posting regularly. Good luck with the spammers, I imagine that sucks.

  2. Nice it worked (I the autenticating number indeed appeared after all, good, then spammers wont come back for a while).

    Consider me a regular vistor heh.

  3. Once again, I’m sorry. I had no idea that this was happening, and notifying me would become a bit difficult like this. I’m SO glad that I managed to put up a shoutbox after all. It really saved me, and all of the other commenters. I’m really suggesting this to all of the other bloggers out there (putting up a shoutbox, I mean), so in case something does go wrong with the comments, people will still be able to notify you in some way.

    In any case, welcome to Star Crossed. ^_^

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