Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 13

Wait, what? Was it just me, or did we see the evil officer from the mining arc right next to Scar in this episode? I mean, I’m trying to watch both series as different stories, but it’s really making this difficult when this show references events that only happened in the original series…

Thankfully, that was just about the only thing I didn’t like of this episode. I’m glad to see that Greed finally got his introduction, because his story is one that I really liked in the original series. He already starts off as a quirkish character, and so far I feel that Brotherhood did him justice. I was also surprised that his henchmen still are a bunch of Chimera. That means that someone other than Shou Tucker has been creating them.

There were also lots of differences this episode when compared to the original series. My memory is a bit too fuzzy to list all of the differences exactly, but it seems that Izumi is going to play a much bigger role here. It also seems to be the goal of Greed and his henchmen to become like Al: away from all those nasty side-effects that the human body has. Ed also threw a major tantrum when he finds this out, and this part turns out to be quite a bit deeper than what happened in the original series, which was just about the homunculi wanting to become human. Here, Greed and the others are longing for something they hardly know anything of, and something that Ed is desperate to get rid of. This time, it’s Greed who feels uncomfortable with the way he is, rather than Lust.

I also love how the comedy in this series just appears from out of nowhere, especially this episode did this really well. The creators really have managed to integrate it seamlessly with the rest of the series, rather than having clear-cut parts that are funny and other parts that are serious.
Rating: * (Good)
Solid episode; Greed was especially nice.

10 thoughts on “Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 13

  1. Yeah, about the guy from the mining town, Yoki or something. I was kind of wondering what they’d do about him since they skipped that whole mini-plot to move the story along since he actually does stick around in the manga. If you think back a bit there was an episode where it references Ed removing a corrupt official from a mining town and shows a picture of the guy, but that is it.

    With Greed, it’s just like you said. Why would someone so greedy want to deal with the problem of a destructible body (even one as hard to kill as homunculi have) when you can live in a piece of armor. Then again, Greed’s never really followed true logic…

  2. The mining episode is in the manga but I guess they skipped that chapter to get to the manga only stuff sooner. Essentially the mining chapter was more of a side story. However the mining episode was important because it introduces Yoki and he is important to the manga storyline.

    So yeah Yoki’s introduction sucked because they skipped the mining episode (but if you rewatch episode 4 you will see Yoki was already briefly mentioned). However I would rather take a bad introduction than having no Yoki at all. He’s a lot funnier than his 1st anime counterpart so look forward to him. 🙂

    On another note Greed wants to know Al’s secret of “immortality” because well he is Greedy. I mean he already has an almost indestructible body but that’s not enough for him. One thing you will see from this series is the homunculus all really fit their namesake.

  3. I think what they’re going to do is go ahead and move forward for now but as they start to catch up and have to focus on Yoki more, they’re going to do more flash-backing and show the whole mining episode. Or perhaps they’re hoping that the fans will have good enough memory to remember what that was all about cause the original anime did a good job of making that whole plot the same. (well, except for Lira, but whatever).

  4. It was a verry interesting episode as I feel i am understanding what theyre trying to do with the series alittle more now. and yeah with the mining arc thing just remember that was in the manga. this series doesnt animate anything from the first series. this ep skipped in and out of about 4 chapters of material.

    some scenes were combined and some were reversed. for example: in manga izumi gets to greed before ed does and attacks him first [and hurts her hand in the process] then ed arives and fights him afterwards. but i thought the way the rearanged those events was quite clever.

  5. I don’t really complain but it’s like the producers assume all those who watch this new FMA have also seen the 1st one.This Greed arc was great and Greed is probably one of the best characters in FMA and they are skipping in way to much material trying to get to the Xing characters,like we can see from their new commercial.At least in this Greed arc we will see a character in action that we did not during this arc in the 1st anime version.

  6. Ah ha, I hadn’t watched the after part of the episode showing the next. I may be wrong, but I think we see a new homunculus that was introduced around this point in the series anyway.

    And Pax, don’t worry for Greed too much.

  7. I’m not very happy lately with the new FMA. Somehow the drama doesn’t really work. In the 1st series when Greed and Ed were fighting… that was for me one of the most intense anime scenes I have ever seen (and it’s not easy to impress me), but the emotions were just insane. Ed who realized that he had killed Greed… how he cried… I was sitting with the mouth open on the edge of my seat, but in the new FMA that never happend (I watched this Greed-scene of the old series severel times and every time I’m just speechless).

    Well… whatever. I get annoyed of Ed and the way he surpresses his emotions like when Izumi mentioned Hohenheim. That doesn’t feel real, I miss the intensivness of the 1st series, but well… don’t want to complain. The new series is enjoyable and will be even more in the future with the new characters 🙂

  8. I actually hated the scene when Ed killed Greed in the first series. Why would he be so upset at that point when he barely seemed upset at all when he killed Mahjal in the 4th episode. It seemed the first anime did anything to add more angst to the story even if it wasn’t consistent to the characters or story.

    Although I admit the animation for the Greed fight in the first series was spectacular. But I wouldn’t be surpsied if this series is saving its animation budget for scenes that were not already animated in the first series.

    I also admit I have my own issues with this new series. Not in the story (because I do think the manga story is superior to the 1st anime) but in the pacing and the numerous cuts the director has made to the manga storyline. But I am a little lenient at this point because I believe the director is trying to get to the manga only stuff as quickly as possible so fans do not think this is just the same thing as the first series with minor differences when really it will end up being completely different. However if the director continues to cut and rush through things after that point I will not be as forgiving.

  9. The mining arc guy was in the manga as well. They even mentioned him as a side note earlier in the Brotherhood series, like Mustang was reading it off a file or something.

  10. Hey wait, ain’t brotherhood sepposed to be more like the manga. Therefore meaning that the “original” was the one that was off? I mean, it didn’t do him “justice” the original did.
    It’s more how it should have been.
    From what I understand.
    Could be wrong.

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