The Third – 05 – Millie

The Third continues its amazingness once more. After the eventfullness of the previous episode, this episode features the aftermaths, mostly focusing about they way Milly reacts to her father’s death and Honoka’s reaction to this, though we also get a bit of info about Honoka’s past, and The Third also get a bit of development. Ikus served as a third party: not directly involved with the storyline, though he starts playing his own part in it. Still, Honoka and Millie were really shining in this episode. I totally loved it.

I’m also surprised that I’m one of the few people who actually likes the narrator. Yes, okay, he may be stating the obvious. Still, I really feel that I have trouble at times to really understand how she feels. Others may be having no problems with this, alas. Another thing is that he can really strengthen a scene at times. For example, when Millie regains her conciousness again. Of course it’s clear that Honoka forgot to put her headband back on. I really think that that scene would have been annoying if the narrator wasn’t there, but somehow, he managed to help and turn that scene into a an awesome one.

The scene starts with Honoka and Ikus seeing the dead body of Zanka (that appeared to be Oyaji’s name), after which we switch towards an important woman of The Third, who seems to recognize Honoka’s eye as “The Blue Space Eye”. The next morning, Millie still hasn’t regained conciousness. Bogie wants to move away, but Honoka believes that Millie deserves to see her father one more time. Honoka and Ikus then search Zanka’s desert tank in order to pick up all of the valuable items that were left in it. It also became clear that Millie’s mother was killed by the Surveillance Force (you know, the ones who kidnapped that guy at the beginning of the fourth episode because he used too much technology).

Then, while the two of them are digging a grave for Zanka, Honoka tells a few things about her own past. She still hasn’t bothered to put her headband back on, by the way. She was indeed born as a The Third, though the color of her eye differs from the red color that The Third have. This means that she was classified as a defective item, and sent towards the earth. The capital of The Third appears to be named Hyperius. Honoka was sent there, and immediately she was sent back again because of her eye. When she was born in the human world, the villagers among her hoped that a being from The Third could actually help to easen up their lives, though this was false hope. Her parents then put her in the care of her “grandfather” (I’m just calling him grandfather for now as Honoka seems to do this as well. He’s not her real grandfather), who was boarding a caravan. In this way, Honoka grew up in this travelling caravan, travelling to all kinds of different places with him.

It also appears that every one of her old friends from the caravan seemed to know about her secret. Only Millie didn’t. Then Bogie contacts Honka with the message that Millie regained conciousness. She really is gloomy at this period. She doesn’t want to talk or socialize, and Honoka really doesn’t know what to do in order to help her.

The Blue Breaker is meanwhile put under a surveillance, about the reason why he abandoned his mission. It seems that one of the officials from The Third (something tells me that this is the same guy from the second episode) ordered him to retreat. The woman, who also sounds important, is not too happy with this. Still, if she’s so important and makes decisions on planetary base, then why are Millie, Honoka and Ikus such a threat to her, to make her view these individual cases like that?

Honoka, by the way, also decided to blow up Zanka’s sand tank. She probably had the same reasons as Roux when he burned the books in Astraea Testament. Millie continues to be gloomy. Honoka plans to bring her to one of her aunts, so that she can take care of her. An interesting development. We all know, of course, that the two are going to remain together, but how will they manage to do this in the end without making it look unrealistic? Honoka’s eye meanwhile manages to discover a rare sight in the desert: a field of flowers. She goes to pick one of them, in an attempt to cheer up Millie. She also reveals to Ikus that she indeed has some kind of power, as she displayed in the third and fourth episode. She gives him a little demonstration.

Back at The Third, meanwhile, the woman from The Third that we saw earlier this episode holds a small talk with Jouganki (the guy who paid Honoka a visit in the second episode), in order to prevent him from intervening again. It seems that he indeed is not after Honoka after all, but after her powers. The woman manages to convince him that there’s no reason in order to let Blue Breaker back away, and he begins to get a bit worried.

Millie, meanwhile woke up, and she broke down. She couldn’t find Honoka in the sand tank, so the act of holding herself strong fades away. What follows is a brilliant scene, of the two making up together. But then, the Blue Breaker arrives again. Somehow, Ikus feels his prescense as well. The episode ends. I really loved this one. Zanka’s death really had a huge impact on our cast. Something you can’t say every anime can just accomplish.

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