The Law of Ueki – 30

Normally, I tend to dislike fighting anime. In this case, I’ll make a huge exception. This anime is so utterly creative, it scares me.

We have a very eccentric god, who organizes a tournament. 100 middle school students are given special powers, and have to battle each other. The winner gets the special talent he wants (and it can really be ANYTHING, including the power to destroy the world, which instantly takes care of the antagonists). There are just two catches: the first one is that the powers given to the persons are not ordinary powers you often see in these kinds of anime, no, the powers each are unique and beyond anything I’ve ever seen in anime (for example: the power to turn trash into trees, cotton into spikes, tomatoes into magma, beads into bombs, and those are just the least original of the bunch). The second catch is that each of the powers has a limit, or something that the power user has to do in order to use his powers. (think of: the power to turn water into fireballs if you put it in your mouth, the power to turn lightning into SUGAR when your eyes are open, the power to change your forehead into diamonds when your hands are in your pocked, and of course the power to turn towels into steel if you hold your breath).

This, of course offers for a tremendous amount of strategy in battles. The Law of Ueki executes this perfectly, and manages to put humour in it as well. I could keep on rambling about all the small things the creators thought of, but I’ll keep that for a next time.

This episode, is sort of the beginning of the second season. The break is over and the next round begins. The first half features a very humorous explanation of the next round, as well as an introduction of new characters (the ones seen above). It was nice to see some old characters returning. I was fairly surprised when I learned that after the whole explanation the creators still managed to include a fight, as well as finishing it. The fight was also one of the funniest. How many times do you see an enemy who’s main weapon is karaoke?

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