07-Ghost – 08

To give a bit of an indication of how much I’m liking the current Spring Season: out of all of the shows I’m blogging right now (at the moment twelve of them), I like 07-Ghost the least. And yet the rest of this post is going to be nothing but praises for how much I liked this episode. This season may not have another Birdy the Mighty, but that’s also just about the only negative thing I can say about it. And really, if it can keep this up, it’s definitely going to turn into my favourite season since Spring 2007.

And Yes! It’s finally time for Mikage to show how he wasn’t exactly set free by Ayanami. The anime made it especially obvious that something was going to happen to him, and made it no surprise that he’d not live to see the second half of this show, and I must say still this episode in which we finally see his true colours doesn’t disappoint at all.

Because really, the past few episodes have really served their job in fleshing out Teito and Mikage, so that as an audience you’d really get to know the two of them. If the creators would simply have sent a brainwashed Mikage to Teito and immediately had him start trying to kill the guy, it would definitely have lacked impact. Now however, I loved seeing the relationship between the two being broken up by Ayanami. It was the moment everyone had been waiting for ever since Mikage popped up from absolutely nowhere, and yeah: it was great.

As a fantasy-series, 07 Ghost indeed doesn’t have the complex and imaginative setting that Shangri-La and Guin Saga can boast, nor the complex characters and well written dialogue of Pandora Hearts, but this series takes a much smaller setting and focus, and because its focus is so small (this series is just about Teito, who isn’t out there to save the world; you know the bad guys right from the start, the only setting of importance is the church), it really as the time to charm the viewer with this small story and bring out the best of it. And that’s the strength of 07-Ghost: it doesn’t feature much, but what it does, it does really well.

Rating: ** (Excellent)
I’m still amazed at how this episode was 20 minutes long, because it sucked me in completely. Finally the moment we’ve been waiting for has come.

5 thoughts on “07-Ghost – 08

  1. Yeah, I barely understand any Japanese and it still managed to hook me! It’s certainly not the manga, but this adaptation does have its strong moments.

    One negative thing, though…so far, when this show starts building up, it’s blatantly obvious about it, and although the peak is pretty good, the past episodes before this were just “eh, so-so.” Sure, they fleshed out the characters, but it was annoyingly superficial when there wasn’t a fight. (Probably because the manga’s characters are fleshed out in better ways)

    This episode was still great, though! Yay, conflict!


    Evil!Mikage ROCKS!!!

    and Mikhail . . . . *endless hyperactivity* xD

  3. >>> (this series is just about Teito, who isn’t out there to save the world; you know the bad guys right from the start, the only setting of importance is the church)

    Mmm… if the anime follow the manga, you could be surprised soon… 😡
    But for me it was a good surprise, so don’t worry.
    I only hope we will not have an anime-only ending…

    for the story, yes… 07-ghost is “a bit of shojo and a bit of shonen”… One of the most highlighted things is the relationship between the characters, and their psychology… the “real scenario” is a bit “lost” inside of this.

    And yes, this ep was great… I only think the cliffhanger was not very well managed, and the music was off too often… But it’s still very good.

  4. I ffffffff’d at the “I love you part”. Surprisingly not in a bad way.

    The flashy entrance of Frau in his ghost-like getup was not so awesome because of the flirty guardians(?). He just lost that “badass” vibe. Hope to see more of that.

    Psychotic Mikage – win. Ayanami – I can’t unhear Aizen, lol. Can’t wait to see the new abilities of Teito. Looks good so far.

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