Shangri-La – 08

This was a very strange and unusual episode. It was a nightmare for physicists, it featured some strange coincidences, but despite that I still like this series. If only because of the sheer GUTS it had during some of the scenes in this episode, which really showed that this show really isn’t going to pull its punches. This definitely is the most controversial series of the season.

To start with the lesser parts though, Kuniko’s escape is definitely going to raise some eye-brows, but then again, this series has always had its share of strange physics. There is carbon-trade, so why not make a hot balloon fueled on fermented orange juice that’s able to carry two people? That solar eclipse also had a bit too convenient of a timing. But then again, with all of the weird technology it’s of course also possible that the nanomaterial the girls found in the junkyard offered the solution. This is science-fiction, after all.

And yet I really love the rest of this series, and especially the characters. This series definitely has its issues now and then, but Kuniko is truly a remarkable lead who has the guts to go where most people wouldn’t even dare, and inspires others to do so as well, up to the point at which the fellow inmates start flirting with the prison guards in order to get all the preparations for the balloon right, and start offering their bodies.

And god… I was really shocked with how this episode ended. Kuniko has escaped, everyone is happy, people are starting to feel confident that Atlas can be beaten and that they have control… only for all of the inmates to be killed off by a simple order. WTF! It feels nowhere near a heroic sacrifice, and much more a death due to stupidity, and yet these girls did such a wonderful job of getting Kuniko out of prison.

The whole way in which everyone close to Kuniko reacted to the news of her execution: nobody getting scared, and everyone just thought that it was going to be another heroic escape from her with the necessary help from Momoko. It all shows how they’re trying to rebel to Atlas in even the smallest things. And then this episode comes and gives them a wake-up call even though they don’t even know what happened.

Rating: ** (Excellent)
I can really imagine that the cynics like Hanners are going to hate this episode, but for me it served its purpose: I was seriously shocked by what happened here.

5 thoughts on “Shangri-La – 08

  1. I generally agree that this is a better than given credit for anime. With all the shots going off in so many directions it sometimes misses its target, but overall it’s one of the best of this season.

    I also think it’s time for Lady Ryoko to reap the whirlwind!! I suspect that it’s a bit premature, plot-wise, but I’d personally pull the trigger on her.

  2. “only for all of the inmates to be killed off by a simple order. WTF! It feels nowhere near a heroic sacrifice”

    welcome to the reality for people in certain parts of the world: people who help others and kind hearted just get “picked off” like nothing.

  3. I think the only “coincidence” in this episode was in Kuniko landing to find Momoko waiting for her — and landing near where Mikuni’s entourage were playing hide-and-seek.

    The eclipse is not a coincidence — it’s “the sun meeting the moon”. Ryouko chose this day for Kuniko’s “execution” (I think Ryouko was waiting for her escape, and was maybe curious about how it would come about) because it was the day of the eclipse — early in the episode she insists on how the execution must fall on this day at this particular time.

    It’s not a hot-air balloon, it’s a hydrogen balloon, filled with the hydrogen used to create explosions in the logging operations, catalyzed by alchohol distilled from the fermented orange-juice.

    Just about everything that happened in this episode was fore-shadowed earlier in the series or, at least, earlier in the episode.

    On initial viewing, I was very disappointed in this episode, but after thinking about it, I’m increasingly impressed with how it was put together and how much was shown without being explicitly said.

    Still, it feels like the seams show a bit, or credulity is strained just a bit too much. However, I think this series can survive this, and, this episode may come to seem much less contrived when viewed in the context of the entire series.

    Dramatically, I do believe the massacre at the end was heavy-handed. We already know that Atlas is evil and Ryouko callous and cruel. The massacred prisoners is almost a manipulative cliche.

  4. So what was the plan then? Keep her locked up? Great geniuses at Atlas. Trust me I wasn’t the only one who didn’t step forward. Besides her escaping execution proves what exactly?

    Also the genius little girl who allegedly developed Medusa, now has to wait for Medusa to stop looking at jupiter otherwise she’s completely useless and can’t do anything? Keep eating those sweet genius.

    Hebephiles and sexual favours why am I NOT surprised; if you’re a girl don’t go to prison in Japan.

    Quite honestly the balloon thing almost made sense. Fine you have an “special” explosive that explodes when it meets alcohol releasing hydrogen. However consider this, hydrogen in the presence of oxygen is highly flammable, so it more than likely would have been consumed in the explosion burning everything.

    In addition was the balloon actually big enough. Let’s say each girl weighs 40kg so that’s 80kg or 176 pounds. If we take into consideration their height (say average of 5 feet) as a measurement tool, then the balloon diameter at most is 10 foot and that’s being generous (taken from side view of them floating). Even if they were 6ft tall then the ballon is 12 ft in diameter at most – you’ll see where I’m going with this. Hydrogen exists as a diatomic gas so weighs half the weight of helium per litre at STP.

    If you use 32.3 grams lift per Cu. Ft for hydrogen, a 10ft diameter balloon will only lift 37.75 pounds you would actually need a 16.7 foot diameter balloon and that would only achieve equilibrium, therefore the balloon would have to be larger than that or earth’s gravity reduced. But hey maybe they invented stable monatomic hydrogen right? Sorry did she say she spent 3 days thinking up a plan that wouldn’t have worked – FAIL.

    Lastly the brilliant thing of executing the prisoners in a tight circle. No cross-fire or chance of hitting the other guards right. Let’s not worry about anyone looking for them either, that whole visitor section was built just for Kuniko for Momoko to visit her.

    After all the contrived crap we’ve seen crazy pseudo-chemistry, pseudo-physics and pseudo-biology. I mean throw in some occult and quantum physics and you’ll be laughing.

    All I do know is the crazy writers for this awful series spent a lot of time making moonshine from fermented orange juice: that part was just about believable using a solar still except for the fact that 3 days to produce any alcohol is pushing it into unbelievable realms, what did they use some thrush or Candidiasis as a starter culture?

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