Phantom – 06

Six episodes in, and Phantom still is one of my favourites of the current series. Even for a Bee-Train series, this show is magnificent. The characterization is so subtle, and yet it works so well. It’s something Koichi Masahino has always been good at, but with because his source-material this time was already very good, this promises to be among his better work.

And I must say, that despite the increasing fanservice, Ein’s character-designs are what I consider the best of the season. I’m probably one of the few who believes “simplicity = better”, but Ein really looks gorgeous, even though her character-designs are kept simple on purpose (and with this I don’t mean simplicity in the way of Cross Game, but rather not going through huge lengths to make characters look unique. Something that a lot of harem shows need to understand).

This episode was much more about the assassin-part of this series. While the mafia-boss of the previous episode may have lost his wife and son, he still has a couple of powerful allies, and they get taken care of in this episode. Mostly by Phantom, but I also liked how Inferno has a strong support cast to back them up and help them. You can really see that everything was planned carefully ahead to bring the risk to a minimum.

Rating: ** (Excellent)
Very strong episode as usual with the lead characters getting only better and better

8 thoughts on “Phantom – 06

  1. Phantom is definitely one of the best shows of this season. I wonder how much more publicity it could have gotten had the first episode not been so Beetrained (and thus turned away alot of potential fans).

    I’m a huge fan of the original game, but this show starting from episode 2 has managed to _outperform_ the already excellent source.

    Absolutely delicious!

  2. I didn’t find this episode had a big wow factor. With so much killing, it was hard to really find a climax in this episode. Good ending though.

    Foamer, that was a pretty creepy photo shoot with all the mannequins. Was it symbolism that she’s empty (mannequin) or that so many people are controlling her?

  3. I’m loving this show more and more with each episode. Sure, it’s slow paced, but it’s so careful and subtle with its plot and character development it’s lovely . And if there’s anything I gorge into because it’s worth awesomness, it’s character development.

    I really liked the fact on how they’re going into the background now rather than just simply focusing on Ein and Zwei’s lives. The idea of how powerful and organized Inferno is really gets to me, and the way they explained it is excellent. 😀 Hopefully we’ll be getting at some kickass climax sometime soon. But not too soon. ^^

  4. The photo shoot was weird. That white hair dude sure has weird fetishes. First rubbing Ein naked, now a photo shoot. At first I thought Ein was posing as a model for her next assignment but that didn’t happen. What’s next, bondage?

  5. For a criminal organization, it’s sure ridiculous that Mr. Stone never heard of creating fake evidences. At the very least, shouldn’t mafia bosses ride bullet proof cars? I don’t know why, but I’m finding the action really laughable. Though character wise, this is BeeTrain production that I like the most. It’s just the action…arrgh.

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