Mahoutsukai no Yome – 19 [Any port in a storm]

Hello and welcome to a very… contentious episode of Mahoutsukai, at least for me. This week we have two halves of the same episode, with wildly different tones and quality. The first half being inconsistent and dull, while the second is interesting and successfully, but slowly, ramps up its tension. Overall concerning, but lets jump in.

First up, I want to talk about Mahoutsukai’s tone this week. Specifically how ridiculously all over the place it is. I had no idea how to feel about this episode as we go from brutal surgery, to jokey side characters, to dream sequence and back to silly scientists. During the first half at least, nothing was consistent. There was no slow progression, just fast cuts up and down the spectrum. Add to that the general flop of the comedy in the first half, pretty much any scene with the scientists, and it just feels lacking. Easily the worst opening/12 minutes of Mahoutsukai across all episodes. Even the time with Cartaphilus in the dream felt lacking. Like it was condescend, that information was cut for the sake of time. It happens in every adaptation, but this particularly bad timing.

Tonal and pacing issues aside, the actual story of the first half is lacking as well. Being mostly focused on Renfred, some new scientists and with small peeks into the kidnapped dragons, alot is skipped over. There are constant hints to a mysterious “college” that could apparently help Chise which Elias wants nothing to do with. We are shown the dragons but can only infer as to what is happening to them. The scenes are mostly played up for shock value it seems. The only interesting bit story wise in this half is the dream sequence (?) with Cartaphilus. We learn a bit more about him and get a glimpse into just how crazy he is. Its pretty clear he has a split personality, those being Cartaphilus and Joseph. What matters though is how/will this will come into play in the story. or if it just becomes pointless trivia.

The second half however is completely different. It does slowly ramp the tension up, getting into the auction, Renfred confronting Elias and then the auction itself. Aside from the random woman whispering in Chise’s ear, it was all quite good. I really have no complaints here, discounting the silly scientists. Infact, Chise herself pointed something out I missed in previous episodes. Namely that Elias’s human forms up until now have been other people. His first was Simon, and then recently we saw him use a white haired Chise. Now we have this new form, female, red eyes and Lindel’s long hair. His personality also seemed to have changed completely. Maybe it was because Chise wasn’t around, but Elias was very talkative and confrontational here. As if he was purposefully egging Renfred on. I hope we see a reason for this, perhaps jealousy, and that it is more than plot convenience.

My favorite part of this episode however was the Auction, namely that it became relevant again. Mahoutsukai started at this auction and I am quite happy it managed to make it relevant again, with a good story reason to! The acknowledgement from the Auctioneer of how Chise has changed and the small bit about Chise getting money from her own sale both managed to remind us of how everything started. The auction also sets up the flashback we saw back in episode 13. Infact the cloak Chise is wearing now is the same from the flashback, meaning the ball/final arc is rolling. Instead of it being Elias causing the destruction as once thought however, we now know its Seth. And based on what happened to our other dragon buddy, I suspect he won’t live through this arc. Maybe this is our inciting incident for Chise to go after Cartaphilus?

All in all so long as you ignore the first half or so, never a good sign, Mahoutsukai did good this week. We get more proof that side characters aren’t safe the next few episodes have beautiful set piece that is a burning city. With the flash-forward of episode 13 in our heads, we have quite the action packed next few episodes ahead of us. We have Angelica and her family to worry about, Seth and wherever Cartaphilus is in all this. Elias will no doubt try to stop Chise, which we know won’t work. With something, anything, finally happening I can say I am excited for what is to come. Gimme that dragon fight Mahoutsukai!


2 thoughts on “Mahoutsukai no Yome – 19 [Any port in a storm]

  1. I have come to a point were I can finally ignore the lame attempts at comedy. The show is much better for that. In general I am happy with the course the second part of the show has taken.

    1. I just… I cant not comment on it when its so blatantly shoved in.

      Like I said, I enjoyed the second half. It was cool. I loved the return to the Auction. The first half was pointless however.

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