After the Rain – 05 [The Scent of Rain]

It’s a bit of a slow episode this week, with the appearance of the show best character (Tsubu!), Tachibana becomes a pepping Tom, Kondou’s unexpected popularity amongst his staff and Tachibana plays a motherly role to Kondou’s son. Well, I said “slow” in regard to the romantic development between our two leads compare to last few episodes, but the central romance still progresses gracefully. This episode splits into two parts, one we have Tachibana visits the manager’s house and the other one involving our cute little hamster. At first, Tachibana finds a chance to voluntarily take his son to his house, without any ulterior motive I’m sure. She even gets into the house while he was away, and comes hiding in the closet when he gets back home in the Blue Velvet fashion (“She wears blue velvet”). While in there, we see her fascination to know more about Koundou’s private place: the messy bed, the empty fridge, the bookshelf that has all the books about being a successful manager or “How to do an install trick” (great details here as you can see how Kondou thinks about his position within his choice of book), and the work room where there are papers lying around.

While hiding in the closet, Tachibana both overhears and overheats the conversation between him and Tachibana. It’s the time like this when his personality can be shown the clearest: he doesn’t have to pretend to please someone else, he doesn’t need to make any formal gesture, but the guy behaves earnestly, just like the way we see him in early episodes. Yuuto tries to get him into take care of a little hamster, on a ground that he can visit him more often. The manager reluctantly accepts it, and reveals that he loves reading books. I noticed in the closet where Tachibana was hiding, there’s a box that said “1990”, makes me wonder if they’re his manuscript from way back. I like the smart visual motifs when Ameagari cuts to the manager waving his hand in rejection, match-cut to Tachibana waving her hand out of the heat, to Yuuta waving his spoon while eating. I also like the way Ameagari underlines many Tachibana’s actions this week as sensual (like how the tea spilled over her shirt revealing her bra, or how she is physically blush when wearing her crush’s oversized shirt; and other of her activities with the father and son as part of a family (she was cooking for his son, they were walking together in the rain), both of these affect Kondou, obviously, further challenging him on what her role is gonna be in his life.

But both the lovebirds could never have guessed is how suddenly Kondou regains his popularity through the staffs’ mutual love for our little hamster. Tachibana is jealous with this newfound recognition where she finds it difficult to reach him anymore, and jealousy has never been this adorable. In fact, look more closely and you might realise that Tachibana is walking a thin line between showing her affection to the man she likes, and manipulating his life with her sheer determination. For now, I’d rather say she never cross the other line, but it’s a close call. She snaps the high-spirited mob to back to their work, while announces to the manager that she’s the first source regarding any hamster-related issue; an act of monopolize him I would figure. Ameagari almost reaches halfway point, but the execution to this sensitive romance drama still remains thoughtful, quiet and graceful as ever.

4 thoughts on “After the Rain – 05 [The Scent of Rain]

  1. Greato. Highlights:
    – Kondo not daring to wash Tachibana’s shirt together with his stuff
    – Tachibana being self-conscious about wearing Kondo’s shirt
    – “I want to know more about you” moment. When it comes to her feelings towards him, she is incredibly honest. She keeps dropping these bombs with straight face!
    – Yui-chan’s voice acting, “Tenjou, tenjou!…”
    – the entire gang laughing and Kondo reveling in his delirious moment
    – “From now on, I’ll be your one and only hamster consultant! I-it’s not like I’m not a hamster expert or anything…” Hamsters, beware of jealous girlfriends!

    1. My favorite moment of this episode was the one where the tea spilled over her shirt – so sensual and intimacy. The same sense of sensual can be felt in my top left screenshot, where Tachibana peeps through the manager’s work room and that’s the image of her feeling naked (well not literally, and I think it’s just me who feel that way).

      1. I see. I was wondering, since I found it daring for you to include that screen*. I devalue those scenes a bit as, albeit slightly, they both do cross fanservice territory for me. They objectify Tachibana (call me feminist if you wish) and do not provide necessary merit to justify their presence.

        1 The tea-bra scene leaves Tachibana exposed and vulnerable (and target of male gaze), but only moves the story so she can wear his shirt. There are other ways to achieve that. Compare this with Shinji falling on top of naked Rei and holding her breast – we get full sexual identity exploration and character insight from that.

        2 I like this scene a lot (and yes, I get what you mean and i was designed that way!), however I’m not certain I completely like the sexual framing. Maybe you’ve seen Me!Me!Me!, where the character sat in strikingly similar position. I know it’s far fetched comparison, but that image pops into my head instantaneously! That’s a minus and I doubt we are talking (wholly) innocent coincidence here.

        * No, you clearly haven’t seen Me!Me!Me! or you’d have that image burned in your retina.

  2. Now that I think about it – Tachibana appears similar to the girl in The Japan Animator Expo – ep 31 – GIRL (and I urge everyone to watch it), both in appearance and how she is emotionally/sexually repressed, idealizing her non-existent prince that will save her one day. Hm.

    I say, that’s many Gainax style similarities for a single show. I’m NOT complaining.

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