Junji Ito Collection – 05[Further Tales of Oshikiri/Cloth Teacher]

At this point I have pretty much given up on Junji Ito’s work ever transfering well to an animated medium. It is true that maybe with higher production values and a more talented team than his work could potentially be brought to life but even with that I still think it would come up short. Not because Ito’s work is of such polished perfection that nothing other than manga drawings could capture it, actually it may be the opposite. Junji Ito’s work is very much pulp fiction(The term, not the movie) in that the stories themselves nor the characters are not the true selling point. I would compare Ito very much to HP Lovecraft whose work is often highly regarded due to its influential ideas but when judged on his actual quality they too are essentially pulp fiction short horror stories of hit or miss quality. The strength is in the presentation and ideas of the work but not so much on its narrative quality. Indeed Ito tends to rely to heavily on body horror and his stories can veer into goofiness when attempting to be unnerving and surreal. Thus a Junji Ito story without the high detail of his art and the paneling of a manga is like a lovecraft story without the inner monologue of the narrators building madness. Essentially a silly monster movie.

But well we have two stories today and the first one is rather interesting as it deals with the main protagonists house being connected to other worlds. In this case the protagonist Oshikiri is finding alternative world versions of his classmates which all seem to be either terrified of him or wishing revenge on him. The actual concept is fascinating but the story does have its fair share of holes. For one if Oshikiri is aware that his house is a portal to other dimensions then why in god’s name is he still living in it? The big twist as well is that there are alternative world versions of himself which are murderers experimenting with humans in order to make a formula to make humans grow taller. It doesn’t really make sense that a teenager would be fooling around with science, especially one that doesn’t seem all that gifted intellectually and the killer Oshikiri’s motivation is just absolutely juvenile. Still I liked the final climax with Oshikiri and the girl trapped in the house wandering through infinite worlds potentially filled with killer Oshikiris. Also from the look of things there appears to be a sequel story to this so I wonder just where it will go with that.

And for the second story we have a return to the nail biting teenager chuunibyou whose fond of casting life threatening curses on his classmates. It’s clear by the presentation that his actions are more for black comedy than genuine horror but I find it falling flat on both fronts. The comedy is well…childish at best as we are apparently supposed to laugh over Souchi pants being pulled down? I mean yeah, I suppose it’s good to see this kid get some comeupence but this is some Dennis the menace level humor here.As for the horror I just find it offset by the comedy as it’s trying to push it as light hearted but the truth of this matter is that this kid has attempted to kill a lot of people. Yet others seem to be letting him off fairly easy for it. He gets a few nails to the butt and that’s it? If this kid got his way his two teachers and a student would be dead. I just can’t really enjoy this kids antics when he’s such an unlikeable wart of a character. So I hope he doesn’t have too many stories left in this season as they are clearly not gelling with the horror that the series is going for.

3 thoughts on “Junji Ito Collection – 05[Further Tales of Oshikiri/Cloth Teacher]

  1. Kinda like Watchmen, I agree Junji Ito excels in comic/manga format since the pacing of the book as you read and then turn the page to find a splash page with an horrific image is harder to translate with editing. The closest thing I think is in the end of Evangelion where they cut fast to show a demacrated EVA in which you see the horrific image but you see it too fast you make your own mental image, which can be more terrifying.

    Junji Itou benefits from stillness.

  2. “Junji Ito’s work is very much pulp fiction(The term, not the movie)”

    Man, I love Pulp Fiction. It’s one of my favorite movie of all time and interestingly, you mentioned it right when Uma Thurman – the muse of Tarantino – just revealed publicly her car incident during the shoot of Kill Bill and being deliberately covered up by the Weinsteins, which kind of destroyed Tarantino and Thurman friendship even to this day.

    The reason I am mentioning all this is because… talking about something trivial still more interesting than talking about this episode of Junji Ito.

    1. “The reason I am mentioning all this is because… talking about something trivial still more interesting than talking about this episode of Junji Ito.”

      I hate that this is a true statement. I really hoped they would pull it off somehow but sadly it’s passable at best.

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