.Hack//Roots – 07 – Building up

Apparently, we never know what happened at the end of the last episode, as we only get to see the aftermath. We start with Sakisaka officially breaking his ties with Tawaraya (the first time in which we see him actually surprised in a negative way).The discussion which follows is very dynamic, good job to the creators.

We then switch to the headquarters of the Twillight Brigade. Shino suggests to actively communicate when something goes wrong. Then we go to the bridge, at which Phyllo and B-Set talking about the rumours of the members of TaN attacking the Twillight Brigade. TaN-members are also showing up more than usual.

Tawaraya suddenly gets a huge blow in the back, as he gets obsolete as soon as he finishes his mission. This suddenly is a huge change when you compare it to the fifth episode. Ender also reveals that she’s into a serious mission, and that there’ll probably some kind of trap to lure Ovan out, though everything will be ruined when he doesn’t show up. The talk between her and Naobi is kept very cryptic, so we don’t get much wiser after the end of this conversation.

Goad also comes with an interesting observation, which most people might’ve figured out by now. I however, didn’t see it. It seems that there are only six virus cores known. One is in the possesion of TaN, and was used by Tawaraya in order to convert Sakisaka. The other one was found by Ovan in episode five. Shino holds the third one. Phyllo gave the fourth one to Ovan. The backgrounds of the fifth and the sixth ones aren’t given yet. Anotehr interesting note is that Phyllo actually is pretty strong, as he easily manages to beat Goad. He reminds me of Bear from .Hack//Sign, in a certain way.

Ovan, meanwhile, will be leaving for a while. It’s got something to do with his job, and he already got scolded by his manager once. He orders Shino to order Sakisaka, Tabby and Haseo to look for the remaining Virus Cores, while she has to wait for his orders. Shino gets worried about this, especially concerning the PK-ing, though she listens to Ovan. It really feels like this show is building up at the moment. Especially Ovan and Shino’s characters weren’t too worthwile in the last couple of episodes. Shino only had one moment to shine in episode three, and Ovan was good in the first episode, but the two of them really toned down a bit. They do, however, show great potential for future episodes, so let’s keep hoping.

In the meantime, Haseo has another supernatural experience. It still doesn’t make any sense at all. Why do these target him only? He goes to tell this to Phyllo, though he backs down in the middle of the conversation. I so loved this moment. As Haseo’s shy, he doesn’t know how to continue a conversation like that, so he chooses the easiest option of just running away. I’m kindof ashamed to say it, but that’s probably the way I would’ve reacted as well.

We then switch to Tabby, Sakisaka and Haseo, who head for the lost grounds while Shino patiently waits for Ovan. They then find the same A-shaped mark from previous episode and the commercial-break-scenes. They then turn to one of the other lost grounds, at which another one of these patterns lies. This one, however, does react to Haseo. It then teleports our heroes into something we have to find out in the next episode.

Nothing awesome in this episode, though it remained enjoyable. It feels like the characters which are going to shine later in the series really are holding too much back right now. I also hope that Haseo’ll have more contact with as much different people as possible. I really liked it when he did this in the past.

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