PopoloCrois Story 1998 – 11 – Awesome Plot-Twists

I have to admit: when Ston and Sanda first got their hands on the Anemoritos, I really though that this would be solved within the first five minutes of the next episode. Boy, was I wrong! At that point, I never would have imagined that the storyline would turn so awesome from that point on. This episode definately was no exception.

The highlight of this episode was one of the best plot twists I’ve ever seen since Fantastic Children and Paranoia Agent. Remember last episode? Well, Gamigami decides to go extreme by switching Popolocrois Castle and his own tower from location. Now, Pietoro and his parents have to live in a barren wasteland. An interesting note: during the transportation, Gamigami managed to generate the same light pillar as in the first episode. This might be very useful for later.

Pietoro continues to blame himself for what happened. All because he let Gamigami take his dragon-powers. Though I think that the major fault lies with the love-potion. Without that, Gamigami’d never have Hyuu’s support, and he’d also never have the motivation of taking over the castle. Anyway, it takes a LOT to get Pietoro cheerful again. In fact, he’s so depressed that at one point, he even begins to stare at a piece of rope in a very “suggestive” way, if you know what I mean. I found this extremely well excecuted. Especially when he went out to sit on the roof of the castle as usual. When he looked down, and saw the unfamiliar scenery, he really was scared, and became afraid of the height.

Gamigami, meanwhile, is heavily celebrating his achievements, along with Hyuu. She, however, doesn’t share his happiness, and she keeps mentioning that something is missing. Ston and Sanda also aren’t too keen on Gamigami’s enthusiasm, with all kinds of sarcastical comments following.

Pietoro, by the way, is also the only resident of Popolocrois Castle who feels gloomy. The king and queen, the servants who got transported along with the castle, all of them are cheerful. Even the angsty advisor was happily playing cards with Paolo. Pietoro’s mother then tells him a tale of the time when Paolo was still young. He came from a very poor village at that time, and he had to do his utter best to gain a single bean in one certain winter. He then saw a hungry, nearly dying fox. Pietoro’s mother doesn’t finish this story, though, but lets Pietoro figure it out for himself.

Hyuu, meanwhile, is certain that something is missing. Though she doesn’t know what, exactly. Then Gamigami calls Hyuu, in order to show his newly created vehicle, in which he plans to ride through the castle town in order to pimp his new title. This is all accompanied by a very nice soundtrack. And we immediately find out that Gamigami can’t sing. AT ALL. Ston and Sanda definately agree with this.

Paolo, meanwhile, is ready to let his servants who got transported along with the castle know his next plans. Instead of doing what everyone thought he’d do, he puts on a farming-suit, and starts attempting to fertillize the barren plains around him. Pietoro’s mother joins him.

I am not paying attention at all, during an episode. That became clear with the scenes which were shown afterwards. Only when we switched back to Gamigami again, I finally understood what was happening. It was so brilliant. It’s so obvious, though I didn’t think of such a simple issue AT ALL, which makes it even more awesome. The following scenes are all accompanied by a great soundtrack, and Pietoro finally gets his enthusiasm back, and he sets off alone.

And just when you think we’ve got enough plot twists for one episode, Hyuu throws another one in our face. She makes another demand to Gamigami: bring Pietoro to her, and make him her servant. I couldn’t believe this when I saw. I’m really beginning to wonder what she wants to do with Pietoro in the first place. This show definately made me see that Hyuu is incredibly unpredictable in her behaviour and reasons. She wants to be with Pietoro, that’s obvious. But why does she want to use him to get home? Or does she even want to go home? Hmm….

0 thoughts on “PopoloCrois Story 1998 – 11 – Awesome Plot-Twists

  1. I never imagined that I would see boy with suicidal thoughts here, in contrast to all innocent it was quite shocking. I wonder how this continue, the land looked bit too dry to actually farm something and since villagers followed Paulo will Gamigami do same?

  2. Really, Pietro tried to commit suicide three times (the first trying to let himself fall from the tower, the second drowning in the fishbowl, and the last… well you know what).
    But letting that apart, for me this was the best episode in all the series, specially when Pietro´s image song (Kimi ga Itekureru) began playing in the background. I´ll never forger that scene!

  3. Ah, it’s good to see that more Popolocrois-fans have found my blog. This moment when the insert-song started playing was indeed an incredible one.

    I’m not sure what my favourite episode of Popolocrois is, though. There are a number of them that are just really good, with this one among them. I do have a standout moment for the entire series, though: when Gamigami revealed Shion. That’s probably one of the most brilliant scenes I’ve seen in anime ever.

  4. Yes, that scene was something to die from laughing! (you know what I mean with those… blueprints that GamiGami made)

  5. Whoa…a kids show, with a character actually thinking about suicide? Wow, you were right, psgels! This anime really does subvert a lot of anime tropes, and already it’s winning me over! If it keeps this up, it might even end up in my top 30!

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