Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai – 04

Short Synopsis: Now that Munto has the power to win the war, he decides to not use make use of it.
Episode Rating: 7/10 (Enjoyable)
Well, that’s eighty minutes already. The end of this episode sounded like a nice climax for the end of the first OVA, is that about right? There was at least no shortage of really pretty OVA-styled animation, so I don’t think that we’ve hit the anime original material yet.

But seriously, what were the creators thinking of putting such a huge story as this in only two hours? This episode introduces dozens of more countries involved in the war. For such a story to work, you really need at least 24 episodes to get the development of every party right. This is also why I’m hoping for this series to not end after only 13 episodes: there is NO WAY that the creators are going to fit everything, even in only 13 episodes.

Still, the next episode should prove a much-needed change of pace. These first four episodes were definitely action-packed, but there had to be some time for the fighting to end, and a chance for the creators to explore the different cultures and countries presented here. The demon king-guy is about to die, (he apparently was really powerful because he didn’t have a long lifespan anyway), and with both him and Munto out (since he’s probably going to spend some episodes with Yumemi), the pacing of this series should slow down a bit as well.

5 thoughts on “Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai – 04

  1. So if this show ends up being 13 episodes long, we’de end up with like 8 episodes of recycled animation from the OVA, with only 5 anime original episodes….

  2. actually this episode starts the second OVA, so we most likely will have atleast 7 anime original episodes. I also hope it will get 24 epidoses.
    Thaks for blogging again. 🙂

  3. Since they are using the OVA’s first aren’t they saving budyet as well this way?
    So the quality of the anime original shouldn’t drop that much at all don’t you think?
    I also why they never showed some of the scenes in the OVA that they are showing here, and they have done very tiny chances here and there. Like the hourglas’s sand was different in here than in the OVA, in episode 3 and if I remember right I liked the start of the OVA more than the first episodes, though there wasn’t much difference.
    The starting sequence in every episode (expect for the fourth?) was a very nice thing to add though, it gave a really good taste of what was or maybe what’s going to be. It was really goof looking too.

  4. How the hell didn’t you notice the leap in animation from episodes 1-3 to episode 4? Even the character designs are much improved/sharper and still no mention lol.

    While OVA 1 was made when KyoAni were just starting out, OVA 2 for Munto was made around the same period KyoAni did Air and Full Metal Panic 2nd Raid and it shows.

  5. Ah, of course. The reason why I didn’t mention it was because I was thrown off by a number of very strange CG explosions in this episode, but now that you mention it, the rest of the episode indeed had much better animation.

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