Ergo Proxy – 09 – Finally some answers

This episode answered a lot of questions about the show. And suddenly, everything begins to make sense. Warning: major spoiler coming up. Do not read the rest of this entry if you haven’t seen episode nine yet.

Anyway, the reason we don’t see the dude which appeared at the end of the episode, is simple. He only was meant for these two particular episodes. It seems that he’s saved Vincent, and took him to his home: a tower in the middle of a green, Romdeau-like city called Asura. Apparently, this dude is named Kazkiz Hauer, and he was the one controlling the autoraves from last episode. He also was the one who sent Senekis Proxy to wipe out all of the residents of Haroth (the place from episode 8). Why? Because they lived for no purpose. They had to be wiped out, and someone had to do it. At least, those are Kazkiz’ reasons. I hated him already at this point.

By the way… how the heck to you spell Senekis… or is it Senex? The same with Ril… eh.. Lil… Real… Leal… Riru? There are about a dozen different ways to spell both of their names, though which is the right one? (Raul? Raoul?)

Kazkiz then confirms that he loved Senekis, and he claims that Vincent killed her. Then we indeed get the confirmation the previous episode had been hinting at: Vincent is indeed a Proxy, though he doesn’t know it. Kazkiz gets a bit angry when he finds out about Vincent’s ignorance. He then reveals that he’s used his robots to wipe out the entire population of Asura and Haroth, and that he’s in fact a Proxy himself: Kazkiz Proxy.

It then appears that Vincent actually loved Monad Proxy, though he killed him anyway. This would explain his actions in the first couple of episodes a bit. He also gave him a part of his memories, which explains his anmesia about everything. Anyway, Monad Proxy smacks Vincent, whose eyes begin to act like a couple of flashlights, and begins to transform. No offence, but that transformation scene was horrible. Afterwards, however the show catches up to its awesomeness from before again.

Then Vincent is in his Proxy-form for the first time while realizing it. Then, however, he loses control, he fights a bit with Kazkiz Proxy, and eventualy manages to kill him. This episode was mostly meant for Vincent to discover that he is a Proxy (Ergo Proxy, hence the name of the series). I just loved the creepy atmosphere that kept playing through the entire episode. The music, along with the creepy screenpans, the dark drawings and the twisted Kazkiz provided an awesome result.

There are still so many questions left unanswered.
– Why was Kazkiz happy that Senekis was killed? Why did he pick up the joker-card and smiled in the previous episode?
– In this episode, it gets revealed that Kazkiz Proxy is the emissary of Light. Ergo Proxy is the emissary of Darkness. What does an emissary mean? And which kinds of emissaries were Monad and Senekis Proxy? What’s the relationship with this and the deck of cards from last episode?
– Why did Vincent give his memory to Monad Proxy?
– What was Monad Proxy’s human form?
– Why is he so attracted to Ril?
– In fact, why was Ril absent yet again in this episode?

It’s also very intresting that at the beginning of the show, more emphasis was put on Monad Proxy, while Ergo Proxy was put a bit in the shadows. This makes you think that the anime will be revolving around Monad, only until you find his dead body somewhere in a dark alley. In fact, I only began to see Ergo Proxy as a main character until the previous episode.

Vincent may have been amazing in his role. But the true star of this episode was Pino. As an autorave, she finally begins to think a bit on her own, instead of copying others like she used to. The result is absolutely great. She knew about Kazkiz’ identity, but she couldn’t convince Vincent to leave, so she leaves on her own. She then tries to find the Usagi (the ship the two of them travelled with) on her own. Though she then realizes that she wants Vincent along with her. That was just too awesome to see. And I haven’t even mentioned the fact that she knew all anong that Vincent was Ergo Proxy. Absolutely beautiful, though I want to see Ril again. I’d better hope that she plays another major part in the next episode!

0 thoughts on “Ergo Proxy – 09 – Finally some answers

  1. The cards are a reference to Alice in Wonderland. Just like Alice went down the rabbit hole, Vincent also went down the rabbit hole when he found out that he was Ergo Proxy

  2. Is ergo Proxy, the proxy of death or darkness?

    I thought that there was something like every proxy has a matching partner.
    Like proxy of brilliance/sun with proxy of darkness/moonlight or Senekis.

    And if Monad is supposedly Ergo Proxy’s loved one then does that make Monad, the proxy of life or light?

    I’m kinda confused. Especially with all this talk of fake real and real real…
    Hopefully, I’ll understand by the time I get to that episode.

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