Bleach – 79

I still haven’t figured out whether I liked this episode or not. Renji’s first encounter with the phenomena called “coffee” was awesome, though the drama included may have been a bit too much and predictable. Our female bounto Yoshino goes to challenge the unbeatable Jin. I have no idea why. In fact, why did she even think she’d be able to scratch him?

Jin also finally reveals his plans. He wants more dolls and to turn time for the bounto’s back on. The former is about the most cliché you can ever get, though the latter shows promise. If he really wants the bounto’s to age, then what are his reasons to do such a thing? Why has he been doing so much in order to achieve this goal?

Anyway, for his plans, Yoshino’s absolutely vital. Why? Because she conveniently has the power to reproduce. Why? No idea. At the same time, Ishida is not needed anymore. The reason also remains oblivious. In fact, why didn’t Jin just beat Yoshino in the first place? He could’ve just taken her power when he first met her… Though instead, he had to execute the plan of gathering followers, absorbing living souls, kidnapping Ishida and taking out our protagonists. I guess he loves to play games…

Anyway, basically, Yoshino fights Jin, she doesn’t stand a chance, she and her doll fuse together, they still don’t stand a chance, Jin kills her. She vanishes into green sparkes, which trigger a huge wave of large mosquito’s, who apparently are newly born dolls. Nothing special, though thank goodness we still have Ishida. He has fallen in love with Yoshino, of course, and seeing him get desperate was very interesting to see.

Then we turn to the incredible Ichigo and Renji. What the heck was their role supposed to be? They came to the destroyed mansion, and start fighting a couple of goons. At the end of the episode, they’re still fighting the same goons. If they can’t even beat two of the weakest members of Bounto’s, I’m beginning to wonder what kind of training they did in the first place.

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