Shikabane Hime – 10

Short Synopsis: A TV-priest uses his Shikabane Powers to impress viewers.
Highlights: Finally it looks like the show’s about to arrive at the real meat of the story.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10 (Enjoyable)
Well, like Birdy the Mighty Decode, it looks like the whole first season is just meant as one big build-up for the second season. This episode finally introduced the major antagonists: the seven blacked out people from the OP. Half of the episode portrayed them as Shikabane who track other Shikabane down and kill them, the other half portrayed them as ruthless schoolgirl killers. Yeah, they were the ones who killed Makina, and they’re probably the real reason why she’s fighting as Shikabane Hime.

The rest of the episode was pretty quiet, but that makes sense. If the creators want to end the first season with a big climax, then this is the perfect place for a bit of a quiet pace before the final arc. My guess is that there, Ouri is going to get his own Shikabane. Whether he’s going to take over Makina, or his big boobed classmate is going to play that role is still the question.

Speaking of which, they were nice and all but these boob jokes really have to end at some point. It’s not really those jokes themselves that get me, but rather that Ouri’s classmates has been turned into a paper bag by them. He started out as quite an enthusiastic classmate, but nowadays all he’s good for is to oogle over all the pretty girls that surround Ouri. Really, get a life!

2 thoughts on “Shikabane Hime – 10

  1. I felt this episode was a bit weaker than the last few excellent episodes, and a bit more generic in terms of its concept. However it is still interesting to watch. Ultimately this show does need a plot.

    The character designs were quite strange this episode – everyone was drawn in a way that made them look much younger than normal. However I am a fan of this series character designs, and it’s very noticeable when they change – the art shifts are part of this series that I quite like,

    Yeah, as you said, some comedy is good to relieve the more dark nature of this series, but it shouldn’t get plain annoying.

    And in regards to Ouri becoming a Contractor, I would guess at Makina, her being the titular character of the series and all the imagery regarding Keisei in both the opening, ending and the series itself – it would mirror the scene in episode 1, to an extent.

  2. Whether he’s going to take over Makina

    yup, and next week someone is going to say sayonara too. Birthday surprise!

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