Ergo proxy – 08

No Real! Blasphemy! Anyway, this episode was focused one half on Vincent, while the other half was focused other side-characters. A bit of new info about the Proxys is aquired, and Vincent gets to have his mental breakdown.

Vincent, while hungry seemed to have learned his lesson on his journey, as he acknowledges Pino’s existance at the beginning of the episode. They, they stumble upon other life-forms. Not Moskou, which I guessed, but a lonely army base ho’s been fighting off infected auto-raves. The members are suspiciously hospital, though it soon appears that they’ll make him fight in order to pay it back.

Then, a third Proxy appears. First, we only get to see its bandage-like hairs, killing, though it’s obvious what its owner is, mostly because of Vincent’s reaction. Anyway, because of the killing, Vincent is put in some kind of cell, right next to a crazy woman who keeps on muttering random sentences. Then Vincent begins to fall down, and mutter random sentences himself.

The autoraves, meanwhile, attack the base once more. This time, they’ve got help from the third Proxy, who kills off the commander of the base. She then crashes a helicopter right into the crazy woman, who managed to escape. Then, the second Proxy appears, beating the third one, taking off its mask, only to reveal the face of a woman. Then it absorbs the third, killing it.

We then see the dead body of the crazy woman, surrounded by cards. A strange man arrives, and picks up the joker-card, and he smiles. Who the heck is this guy? And why does he pick up the joker-card? Actually, why were those cards there in the first place?

Bluewacky also brings up an interesting issue. The face of the third Proxy bears suspiciosly close resemblances to that of the crazy woman. They also both die at the same time. Could they be linked somehow? If that’s the case, could Vincent be linked to Ergo Proxy (That’s how Bluewacky calls the second Proxy, I have no idea why, but it does explain the show’s name, as well as the fact that this will be an important character, I’m somehow reminded of Noein)? And who was linked to Monad Proxy?

This episode also explains why Monad Proxy was killed off. It was just being caught by Ergo Proxy and absorbed. And that crazy woman, right before the helicopter crashed on her, she made the infamous infected-autorave-pose. What the heck does that pose mean?

0 thoughts on “Ergo proxy – 08

  1. Is there any significance in the missing Queen of Spades? There was almost a Royal Flush next to Senex, but instead of the Queen of Spades, we got a Joker instead.

  2. Hmm, it definately has got something to do with the meaning of the cards lying next to “Senex”. It’s indeed a bit too coincidental. An interesting theory is that each of the Proxy’s could be compared to one of the cards in a card-game.

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