Noein – 21

After the eventfullness of episode 20, we get to see another intermezzo. This’ll either be the last one of them, or episode 23 will be the last intermezzo. In this episode, all the pieces are moved to be ready for the grande finale. There are so many different parties, and they all feel like they still have something to do in this show. And that with only three episode left. I tried to make a quick list off all the parties, as at the end of the episode:
– Haruka
– Yuu and Karasu
– Noein
– Ai, Isami, Miho and Atori
– Kosgai, Uchida, Kooriyama and Tobi
– Haruka’s father and mother
– The idiot who plans to excecute the magic-circle project
I think this won’t be too much altered. Anyway, about the episode. The person I absolutely loved was Atori, again. At the beginning of the episode, it becomes clear that he has yet to fully returned to his old self. He’s extremely grumpy, but he does keep his nice self. Then, at one moment, he loses control and goes berserk, and Miho really manages to stop him. I so love this, for the biggest part, he’s back to his old self again, but his love for Miho remains, and I doubt that that will ever go away.

This episode was overall a good episode for the different couples in the show. Not only for Miho and Atori, but Isami and Ai also have a nice and intimate scene at the end of the episode, and furthermore, Haruka’s father and mother meet up with each other again.

We also get the information we’ve all been waiting for: why the La’Cryma-Haruka died. She sacrificed herself in order to become part of the La’Cryma main computer, in order to protect the timespace. This brings up an interesting issue. Remember the phone in episode 14? Could it be that that call was made by the Haruka, whilst in the La’Cryma computer? I also still want to know who that old man with the hat might be. I’m going to laugh if it turns out to be another version of Yuu, but still, he has to have some kind of connection.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. Especially when Atori or Haruka’s dad came into the picture. The latter really seems determined to undo his past mistakes, which only promises some great scenes for in the future.

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