Classroom of the Elite – 02 [It Takes a Great Deal and Skill to Conceal One’s Talent and Skill.]

Something about Youkoso, after the end of both first two episodes, that left me there hanging. Something that I feel “off”, but I can’t quite put my fingers on. I guess a big part of it was caused by the pacing, which it takes way too long to get into the intrigued part. I mean, a huge part of this episode for example, is about group study, which excites no one, both to the characters and to us. So, I went ahead and read the chapters where this episode adapted from, and to my utmost surprise, it was different from the Light Novel. They cut down important parts that both reveal new sides from the cast, and leave out the details about the rules. I’m sure they’d save these events for later development so it’s fine for now but even more head-scratching, they include the pool sequence that has no right to be in there in a first place. And I still don’t get the obsessions over gazing at Kushida’s big boobs because as far as I see, Ayanokoji doesn’t get excited by her boobs. It’s just blatant fanservice that don’t go together with the tone of Youkoso. Or maybe that’s just a normal treatment every girl with big boobs will be received in anime, doesn’t matter if it’s relevant to the plot?

In terms of settings, Youkoso introduces one of the more intriguing school-settings that we haven’t encountered for awhile, the academy displays the social structure, the social functioning that we can relate from the real world. In this, class members work together so that they can gain points and raise up their social’s status. We already have the “underdog” here so it’s easy to root for class D, the lowest of the low and I can see heaps of interesting angles Youkoso could explore. First, this is clearly more of a team-work effort than any single individual’s performance so it could provide the real test for both Ayanokoji, the loner and Horikita, the superior complex one to reach out with the rest of the class for their own sakes. Second, the criteria for allocate students to their respective classes and “gaining points” system aren’t strictly academic achievement, meaning that even if the class passes the midterm exam (means that no one got expelled), it is not guaranteed that they can earn more point. Figuring out the best method to raise their rank and beat out the other classes would prove to be interesting and I’m eager to see how the plot develops from here.

At this moment, I like the main cast of Ayanokoji – Horikita and Kushida although they still remind me greatly to the cast of Oregairu. This episode, unfortunately, doesn’t convince us clearly the motive of Horikita when she decides to help out the Bad Three. Such a shame because in the novel, they made it quite clear: Horikita is shocked about being put into class D, while her score is always near the top; thus aiming for the top has always been her objective and she will work out every solution to reach that goal. In the anime I just don’t see it. Youkoso however does shed a new light on her characters with her even more high horse and abusive brother (who happened to be a council student president huh?) and that’s the only time where we can see the real reason behind her superior/inferior complex.

The male lead Ayanokoji is also an amusing lead. He knows much more than he lets out and people around him start to pick up on this. I quite like his cynical point of view so far but damn, after reading the Novel I feel like they haven’t use the characters to full potential. Like I said earlier, the way this episode adapts from its source gives me some concerns: if Youkoso want to focus on the characters I honestly don’t see the reason they cut down the important parts, whereas if they want to concentrate on the process of the class working together to raise above the zero ground, then they fail when rushing abruptly to the final test results. I still see Youkoso has a lot of potential, hopefully they know what to do with the intriguing setup.

4 thoughts on “Classroom of the Elite – 02 [It Takes a Great Deal and Skill to Conceal One’s Talent and Skill.]

  1. Those episode titles are really long. Pacing does seem to be this series main problem. In the light novel I found it egregiously slow when the anime seems to be jumping around. Surprised that the end of this episode jumped to the result but maybe they plan to jump back next episode.

    1. Yeah, I think they will jump back; but the ending made me feel more confused than intrigued. The title is indeed long and the title I got here is from Crunchyroll (I think?) and I don’t think they do a good job translating it. I didn’t mention those quotes in my review, but I like them so far.

  2. This series is weird and seems to be so only partially on purpose. I so agree it’s not using the characters the way it should, instead focusing on boobs, butts, and violent outbursts.
    And quality translation seems to be deader than dead, as these guys not only don’t google for famous dead people’s quotes, which every episode title seems to be, they even succeed in adding grammar mistakes! For reference, the current title seems to be #245 at

    I do wonder about both the main character and the competency of the writer. Having all your scores be a certain number should have alerted the education system the first month it happened, not have some ass of a high student figuring it out. That’s not hiding your ability – that’s showing it off in the most blatant way possible and is unworthy of the title. Same for the first episode’s title. I don’t have any idea what the point of it was.

    I tried watching this because of the odd titles, but between them being unfitting and the happenings in both episodes being ridiculously telegraphed I’m giving it one more episode to try and get me at least interested in the characters. I’d even be interested in an anime that shows how all these failures and supposed failures got into the flunky class of a supposedly elite school. That should be really something if made well.

  3. “Having all your scores be a certain number should have alerted the education system the first month it happened, not have some ass of a high student figuring it out.”

    About that, in the novel, it was his homeroom teacher who pointed out about his 50/100 scores. The anime cut that scene out and add that to the annoying school president. The same information flow, different effect it has. So I agree with you about the competency of the writer.

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