Short Synopsis: At a local festival, Rin finally finds her next target.
Highlights: Obviously an episode meant to save a bit of budget, but nonetheless an excellent prelude.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7,5/10 (Good)
Despite this episode being a step down from the last arc, I’m beginning to love this series more and more. Even during the quiet parts that are meant to save some budget for future fight scenes, this series still has enough interesting stuff going on.
This episode really showed how much Rin has grown. The development that she went through this series is something that takes most other series twice the amount of time, and it has felt really natural so far. She has learned to swallow her pride, and I really like how she didn’t blindly chaerg at first sight, but instead tried to find out his side of the story.
I like how in this series, nobody is really portrayed as a bad guy apart from a few grunts here and there, in the same way that nobody is really on the good side. The guy in this episode for example surely did some horrible things in the past, but at the same time he’s doing a really good job of raising a son and keeping said son away from his past. He’s really portrayed as a human being. The masked guy of the third episode was more delusional than pure evil. He cared about those dear to him, but took those feelings way too far in his mind.
My only complaint was tat the music in this episode felt a bit forced at the end, with an entire episode of subtle sounds, after which the series’ main tune suddenly starts playing from out of nowhere. It’s an amazing song, and it really adds to the atmosphere, but the way it starts could have been more subtle