Tytania – 04

Short Synopsis: Alses continues his manhunt for Fan Hulic
Highlights: Talk about a complete change of mood.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10 (Enjoyable)
Okay, so this is something I didn’t really see coming. This episode, instead of focusing on the usual politics instead tried to lighten the mood by focusing on first romance and then comedy. I’m not too much of a fan of Lira yet. I can understand how she would be desperate to keep Van Hulic as her ally, but nonetheless she annoyed me half of the time.

Miranda, however, rocks. She’s the perfect example that women too can be GAR, and the soldier she captured (who seems to be an old acquaintance of her who joined the army) works really well with her in terms of banter. I never thought that I would praise this series for being funny, but there you have it, the second half of this episode was really fun to watch. ^^;

Meanwhile at the Tytania-department, it becomes clear that Alses and Salisch aren’t exactly on one line, and even though Salisch has a higher position, his mother seems to be more attached to Alses. Lydia is still far removed from the plot, and the rest of the family also doesn’t seem to do much in this episode. I think that the introduction is going to take a while longer, since the next episode is probably going to focus on Fan, getting accustomed to the rebels’ hideout. Still, it’s good that the creators are taking their time and not keeping to the same mood, but it indeed takes a bit of patience to sit through it. ^^;

3 thoughts on “Tytania – 04

  1. I think it’s pretty awesome so far, just wondering how lydia will play into all of this since i’ve seen her in every episdoe (i think xD) ~

  2. I hear you on Lira, it’s like she was put there to please fans.

    Liking the show so far, but I’ve gotta say it’s not feeling LOGHish to me, somehow I feel the script, character designs/development and mood have been dumbed down (compared to LOGH) to suit teenager tastes rather than adults’.

    Has it been stated in the show who’s Lydia’s father? I thought it might be Alses.

    Also, what does Miranda’s ship do if she’s not interested in a revolution?

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