ID-0 – 06 [The Observer]

With this episode we start to learn more about Ido’s true identity but the reveal feel far-fetched at best. I know he’s supposed to be someone special, but “an enemy of mankind”? Seriously? That trope again? So he was a Titan or some kind of disease that destroy the human kind? Oh since he’s in space he might as well be Frieza or Darth Vader for all I care. That cliché aside, this reveal opens more questions of whether his past self was truly evil, or he was anti-hero of some sort. Although based on his current skills and knowledge I can safely say that he was dangerous either way. I find the development will have some potentials as doesn’t matter if Ido’s past self was evil, this current version of him is his own individual. It’s interesting to see the conflicts of multiple selves of sort. Although I must say I don’t prefer this passionate, newfound-hope mode of his (he laughs and then embraces a loli girl – such image gives me a creep). The collected Ido we know previously is always the best.

Continuing from last week, the Orichalt satellite comes in full force and tries to crush down the team. Quite a persistent bunch. Those satellites proved to be very dangerous, as they have their own intelligent and they nearly succeed to damage our team. But then our members are saved from another force by the warping weapons. Now, this is some powerful arms. Imagine you just shoot and send your enemies to the other side of outer space. Save you the trouble of cleaning up the bodies. This episode ID-0 also introduces a new force that run entirely independent from the Military force: the Observer -who presented by the guy named Sam Tailor- overseeing the operations of ins and outs spaceships. They appear to know everything, from Maya’s false accusation to Amanza’s deserter situation and they suggest the entire ship to cooperate with them for a testimony, with the promise of coming clean all the illegal activities the ship has done. Such a nice bait I must say, although that request received mixed reactions from our team. I love how they voice their opinions and the overall reception is so all over the place.

Notice how Amanza doesn’t really have a say in that matter, which echoing later by Tailor that without her social status she would be nothing. Even now when she’s in this group her situation is rather intriguing: not really a Prisoner of War, not exactly an ally. In fact, her reason for escaping this dire situation makes sense: just toss Alice aside and the Police, the Observer and the Satelites will stop bothering them. She becomes the voice of reason for the ship and it makes sense because she thinks about the issues as a soldier. Follow the instruction, not your dream. The group quickly shot her idea down though because they view each other as a member of a family, so when Ido shows some motivation of keeping Alice and tracing down his past, they all agree to do it. Now, she’s still some steps away from being a true member of our group, but how she eventually gets there will be interesting to watch. But please stop doing that standing pose, it’s starting to get on my nerves.

However, as soon as Grayman and his ship decides to turn the offer down, they realize that Alice was kidnaped by Tailor. Didn’t I tell you that the Observer knows everything? Our team thinks they hold a secret triumph card here, but the truth is that it was their plan all along to capture Alice. What’s all the deal with all the crazy attention to this Alice-girl? As soon as Ido faced Tailor, however, that observer recognizes him. Then of course he was crushed down before he had a chance to spill it up. I don’t really like the way Maya behaves in this latter half as it feels more like it was for the plot’s advance but I let it pass for now. Half way through, ID-0 still performs well, and with its overarching act is beginning to form, I am confident that it will get even more awesome later on. You guys, pick it up! ID-0 isn’t the show that scream “Best of the season” but it has its own respectable quality. On final note, the episode came earlier than expected as the fan subs seemed to be picked up sooner. Whoever you are who have been doing the fan-sub for ID-0, you have my gratitude.

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