Whoa… that was just incredible… I expected the last episode to be of the same scale of the second one, but the way it turned out, I never saw coming. Bake Neko definatly has earned itself a spot on my list of most memorable stories. I’m encouraging everyone to at least take a look at it. You don’t nessecarily have to see episode 1-8 in order to enjoy Bake Neko, Ayakashi is just a combination of three individual stories which have nothing to do with each other.
This episode consists out of two parts: the Makoto being found out, and the Kotowari being found out. My favourite moment is when we get to see our first glimpse of the Kotowari. You SO DO NOT see that coming! I like the way that we’re completely kept oblivious about it until that moment, then everything suddenly becomes clear. You’ll understand when you see it.
Overall, Bake Neko was just total awesomeness. Starting from begin to end, this is a story that’s just totally incredible. I’ll probably have the review up tomorrow. It’s a bit too late for that now.
I watched it last night and loved it. I thought it was really awesome! The fansub group (gg Fansubs) said they may re-release the DVD versions when they get their hands on it – that’s what I’m waiting for.
Till then, this particular story kind of got me interested in giving Gankutsuou another try, since the animation style really turned me off to it.