Detroit Metal City – 04

Short Synopsis: Krauser II gets invited to sing his pop songs in a trendy bar and meets one of his former classmates.
Highlights: The drunk Krauser was hilarious.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
Another hilarious episode from Detroit Metal City. I was beginning to fear that the creators would keep the bit where Negishi loses himself in front of Aikawa going a bit too long, but this episode goes into other directions, and Aikawa finally hears him sing. The irony in this episode seems to be that everyone thinks that Negishi’s music sucks, apart from the friends he had on high-school.

Although, I guess that Tetrapod Melon Tea did receive some popularity for them to be featured in a karaoke magazine. I think that one of the big problems with Negishi is that he hangs out with the wrong people; otherwise he’d never have been able to found Detroit Metal City and met the sadistic president. Although frankly, his sweet songs are badly written and way too sugary. I can imagine how not many people would like it.

5 thoughts on “Detroit Metal City – 04

  1. There was actually a whole album done for the Detroit metal city movie and OVA’s

    I think the group is called “Makaiyuugi” I have no idea if they have done anything in the past or if it’s just some made up name.

    This album was actually on Top 4 on the Oricon chart a couple of weeks ago.

    Gotta love the track names.

    02 スラッシュキラー
    03 グロテスク
    04 メス豚交響曲
    05 デスペニス
    06 あの娘レイプ
    07 マッド・モンスター
    08 恨みはらさでおくべきか
    09 魔王
    10 ファッキンがん宮殿

    I mean… track number 5 – death penis… how do you even come up with that?

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