Birdy the Mighty Decode – 08

Short Synopsis: Senkawa and his friends from school are invited to Nakasugi’s summer house.
Highlights: That second half…
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8,5/10
Seriously, is it me, or is this series really getting better and better with every episode? The build-up in this episode was downright excellent, and it went seamlessly from a quiet and light-hearted mood in the first half to a much darker second half. So what if the first episodes in this series goofed off? They did what they were supposed to do: flesh out characters in this series.

The past few episodes have continued to push Nakasugi’s powers more and more dramatic. In this episode, she even destroys an entire neighbourhood, and this is probably going to continue to get even worse in the future of this series. I liked how the police arrived at the house at the end of the episode. It shows that you can’t just destroy a building and get away with it in this series, adding to the believability. But what was that book that Natsumi was looking at, the one about the destroyed buildings that had the younger version of Shamalan on it? For some reason, Nakasugi wanted to distract her attention from it as quickly as possible, suggesting some sort of connection between her past and Shamalan.

The question also remains who those footprints on the wall belonged to. If they really are from Capella, then why would she go and play around with Senkawa and the others? What did she hope to achieve by walking on the walls and leaving her footprints?

I like what the creators did with the background music in this episode. The tune that the doll played in the previous episode returns multiple times in this one. I remember how Kaiba once did the same, and the technique works out pretty well.

4 thoughts on “Birdy the Mighty Decode – 08

  1. I’m looking forward to this. Frankly I have to admit that Birdy should keep to it’s typical format of slice of life, character development and some form of action, and that’s what makes an enjoyable episode for me.

    Luckily it seems that the Space episodes were left earlier on to develop the rest of the series, which should be good.

    Also, how were the production values in this episode, compared to episode 2 and 3? It’s not really that important, but sometimes the quality is a bit questionable at times.

  2. The production-values were average. They were nothing special, but nothign was bad either, although the use of soundtrack was excellent in this episode.

  3. Anyone know where I can find the manga for this? It’s conspiciously absent in all my usual places.

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