Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 10

Now this is more like it. I’m not a big fan of the new and angsty Ken, but he does spice up things a bit if he continues to develop like that (which is very likely, considering the nature of this series). This episode pushes the plot forward again, and I’m glad to see that some actual meaningful villains appear, rather than those goons of the previous episode.

It also seems that the supernatural research for the past world war is going to play a big theme in the rest of this series. In this episode, a doll, carrying Nijuu Mensou’s pendant appears in front of Chiko. In the meantime, Chiko’s aunt is still trying to poison and kill her (if I understood correctly, Chiko faints in this episode due to the poison that she was fed). Tome and Chiko also get a lot closer together in this episode.

The next episode is going to be the halfway-point of this series, so I hope that that one will give a few more hints as to where this series seems to be going. There are a lot of storylines going on, but no goals, apart from finding Nijuu Mensou. I want to know why the creators bothered to forcefully introduce such a supernatural element in this series, and what difference it would have made if they were just excluded.

9 thoughts on “Nijuu Mensou no Musume – 10

  1. I never understood this: if she knows that her step is trying to poison her, why doesn’t she secretly take a sample of the soup and bring it to the police?

    Also, since her step now knows that Chiko knows about the soup, why does she keep feeding her? Can she think of no other method to poison her “beloved daughter?”

  2. Yeah, Chiko got knocked around pretty hard so it’s no surprise that she passed out. The shock factor of a crazy Suigintou-ish doll villain could do it too. Anyhow, Ken really looks too old now for the short amount of time that’s passed since the train incident. It wouldn’t be so weird if Chiko had also aged.

  3. Man, I really don’t like the new Ken… and he is really looking much too old for the short time that has passed.

    Anyway, I think, that Chiko as well has been possessed by something (perhaps even my 20-Faces himself?) and therefore faints later.

  4. I kinda dig the new Ken. He has every right to be angry at his old boss. We know for a fact that he’s alive and well, and could have done more perhaps to save his crew (instead of waiting around in his private room for Tiger to show up, and then fake his death in such a way as to easily have saved himself along with Chiko). It’s hard to say what Ken’s role in all this will be, and though he pushes Chiko away initially during their reunion, it’s obvious he still cares about her; otherwise, he wouldn’t have helped save her from the creepy doll lady (the “rocket-powered” punch seems so retro in a mecha kinda way, heh).

    It was cute seeing Tome and Chiko together; very much a surrogate mother or big-sister role Tome is taking on with Chiko.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks that Tome isn’t just an ordinary girl, but someone who was send there to keep an eye on Chiko an to protect her from her stepmother?
    But who sent her? It must be either 20-Faces or some third party…

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised. Though aside from being Chiko’s maid and confidant, I’m not sure what other role Tome will serve in the grand scheme of finding 20-Faces. For all her kindness, Tome doesn’t strike me as an adventurous or detective type like Chiko’s other friend does. Chiko seems to do pretty well by herself considering.

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