Kaiba – 09

What can I say? This episode was just incredible, no question possible. Spoilers obviously follow.

As it turns out, the memory-guy plays a vital role in the entire story. He never was aligned to Popo, but made it believe like he was. Popo probably ordered him to use the plant Kaiba on Neiro, in order to mask all of her memories and change all appearances of Warp/Kaiba into Popo. Behind his back, the memory-guy put the remains of these memories into Hyohyo. The ostrich was also a servant of the memory-guy, who indeed helped out Popo back in the first episode. That’s why he secretly let Hyohyo join Kaiba without Popo knowing about it.

And Heck, only now I realize that in Neiro’s memories, Warp’s images are also blackened out! We only saw the evil Warp shoot Neiro, but the rest of it are all images of a black-on-white caricature. I’m getting some strong urges here that Popo was the guy who really ended up killing Neiro’s parents. Why would he want to mask them otherwise? Especially since this episode shows how easily he can just kill people.

A few questions remain with this, mostly: who was the Neiro that evil Kaiba shot, and why is Neiro still alive. In this episode, we also get confirmed that Kaiba wasn’t the Warp that killed everyone, because Neiro addresses him as “Kaiba”. That leaves the biggest question that still needs to be answered: where the heck did Kaiba come from? What also seems strange is how the memory guy seems to think that Warp changed after he met Neiro, because it obviously conflicts with Neiro calling Kaiba Kaiba…

I must say that my biggest fear for Kaiba would be the episodes before the finale, simply because Kemonozume screwed up so badly at that point. It dived way too deep into melodrama for it to remain believable. Still, thankfully Kaiba has managed to avoid this flaw entirely, and this episode really used the building-up of the previous episodes wonderfully.

5 thoughts on “Kaiba – 09

  1. I wonder if how much Neiro actually knows since some of the pictures of Warp had Popo’s head’s silhouette over top the pictures.

  2. I think the story is simple, kaiba is warp clone, he will kill warp, as all clones try to kill the real one, that would work as a perfect ending from what I’ve seen so far.

  3. Haha, even though I was behind on Kaiba for a while, I didn’t have to go through the pain of waiting for new episodes. And bugger, just when I thought I caught up to you, you posted the Ep 10 entry. Oh well, this episode was outstanding, probably the best one yet.

    Looks like my little guess was half-right; that Neiro’s memories were halved, or at the very least, the remains were put into HyoHyo like you said. Let’s hope Ureshi can sub the latest episode ASAP.

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