Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 07

I’m not sure if I’m the only one in this, but so far I’ve found the one-episode stories of Himitsu more interesting than the arcs that took up two episodes. Okay, that may be because the shorter stories were easier to understand, but the shortness of the one-episode arcs also has something appealing to it: it’s episodes like this one that are short and sweet, and still pack a punch. I’m interested in whether this’ll remain the same during the second half of this series (assuming of course that Himitsu will have 24/26 episodes. It would obviously be awesome if there turn out to be more episodes).

In this episode, an important businessman dies. He has a large family, but the most peculiar thing is that he can’t see people’s faces. His entire life, he’s been working hard, though he never could enjoy much social interaction, especially in the later half of his life, I believe. AS a result, he never had a good connection with his family, and refused to put his family into his will, because they’ll just waste the money he worked hard for. Instead, he left all his possessions to the one girl whose face he could see, and whom he met ten years before. That meeting made a huge impact on him. But as a result, his son got jealous and decided to kill him over it.

It’s a bit hard to imagine how someone wouldn’t be able to see faces, but you can also see this in symbolism: the guy was married, he lived with a large family, but there was no attempt made to connect to him, which in his turn didn’t give him much motivation for social interaction. I think he felt like everyone around him was around him because of his money, and not because of himself. That’s why the innocence of this little girl made such an impact on him, because she was too young to really care about his money or status.

Judging from the pattern of this series so far, the next episode is probably going to be two episodes long again. This time, I’m going to try and understand it immediately, instead of finding that I missed some huge plot-hole later. The power of Himitsu really emerges when you see the big picture, and not the smaller ingredients. Though I do hope that the focus won’t be on Aoki so much. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good character, but he has a nasty tendency to overshadow all of the other characters, who are just as interesting as he is. 😛

4 thoughts on “Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 07

  1. I don’t usually agree with your tastes to some anime. But I gotta say, you’ve really hit the Jackpot with Himitsu. I’ve watched 3 episodes (my limited knowledge of the Japanese language isn’t enough to get me pass the techno-sci-fi babble)and I love it to pieces. Maybe its because it sort of resembles Death Note? I also find the main character really intriguing. He just has so many negative aspects to him it kind of makes it hard to see him as an anime character.

  2. Still no episode focused on Maki? xD

    I love Himitsu. But I prefer it subbed. Except if the focus is on Maki (yes, fave character bias) . . .I don’t care watching it RAW *_*

    But the story in this episode seems so interesting. Thanks for blogging Himitsu *doesn’t mind spoilers*

    Man, I’m going insane in waiting for the subs xD hehe

  3. Interestingly enough there is an actual disorder (often caused by brain damage) that can make it impossible for people to assign identities to faces (Prosopagnosia), though the fact that there was an individual who he could recognise might. imply this characters condition was more psychological than physical.

  4. hu..hu… i juz bought the DVD it look kind of interesting since i just read the first volume of the manga.. I tried to surf up on this anime but I can’t seems to find much info on it… even on the character… preferably I want to know the background before watching some anime… guess I have no choice but watch it first ( suspense always kills me)BTW who is the protagonist???

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