Mob Psycho 100 – 05

We had a pretty great episode of Mob Psycho this week as Mob faces off against another esper in the form of Teruki. Animation was in top form throughout the episode as the two demolished the school with a psychic battle. Well calling it a battle is a bit of a stretch as the only one fighting was Teruki. Comedy was alright but what really shone about this episode was the actual drama and meat behind it. Namely Mob putting forward his belief of wanting to develop a talent without relying in his natural psychic powers. This belief directly opposes Teruki, whom believes that his powers elevate him above everyone else. Mob’s very existence calls Teruki’s philosophy of life into question as Mob equates having psychic powers to a natural talent. Funny enough this very idea came from Seigan who once again, despite being a horrible person, proves that he just may be the perfect mentor for Mob.

Though his teaching does hit a flat note when he he attempts to make a metaphor about knives. Even Dimple remarks that it all sounds very impressive until you realise that Seigan is the one saying it. Still there is sound logic in what he says, a esper can lift a boulder with his mind but that doesn’t make him any more useful than an ordinary person if you asked him to help program a mobile application. When you take it truly into consideration, just how useful are superpowers in a modern society? The obvious end result is to become a superhero and stop crime but for those looking for a more average job, superpowers are surprisingly not that useful.

What’s the point of having telekinesis if you work in IT? Or having super strength if you are a cook? Or having the ability to fly if it rains a lot?  It’s true in certain circumstances these things could have a use but in regards to daily life I think it would be surprising just how little a difference it would make. Superpowers are cool but they don’t make you a perfect human being and what’s more important is that relying on something that was given to you at birth makes your actual character hollow. As Mob put it, he wants to earn something by his own effort than rely on a power he was blessed with. Otherwise if his power was taken away from him, all that would be left is a empty being. Teruki doesn’t take this well, in fact Mob practically emotionally breaks him that it makes him determined to prove Mob a hypocritic and force him to rely on his power.

This is a rather interesting concept as Teruki is forced to face that rather than being the center of the universe, he is just an average person. If you are to contrast him to a standard shounen protagonist it make for some food for thought. After all a lot of shounen protagonists are driven by a need to prove themselves and grow stronger. Mob says that the reason for this is because they have crippling low self confidence which makes sense. For a famous example, Naruto was ostracized and belittled at the beginning of the series. As a Ninja he was failure and it’s possible that even as he reached the heights of power, he still holds a inferiority complex that pushes him to be cocky and strive for more power.

At the end we see that Mob has a level of power beyond that of his 100% mode and upon seeing that Teruki finally comes to terms that he is indeed a average person. But perhaps seeing the friends Mob has made in the body improvement club might help him mend his ways. Who knows, maybe even his hair might grow back. Dimple apparently died in the fight but I highly doubt it’s the last we see of him. It was pretty interesting to see Mobs emotional meter not rise a bit despite DImple being exorcised and even the montage showing that Dimple wasn’t exactly a pleasant being was pretty amusing. What looks to be important here is Mob’s brother and his jealousy over Mobs powers which looks to play a role in the next episode. There’s also the matter of how all this affected Mob himself as this was a high test of his character and in his eyes he broke one of his principles.

I think what has become the big drawing points of the series is the character of Mob himself as he continues to prove to be not quite as emotionless as he appears. He originally came across as psychic Saitama but now he may have more to him than Saitama ever did. Still despite this Mob Psycho doesn’t seem to be that popular this season from what I have seen. Perhaps due to a lack of resonance with the art style or simply disappointment for those expecting another One Punch Man. While I doubt Mob Psycho 100 will reach the level of popularity of One Punch Man, I think that if it continues to bring episodes like this then it may outclass it in other areas. Though that all depends on what is to come.


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