Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 06

Another very solid episode from Himitsu. Though it wasn’t among the best episodes of this series, it still had me glued at the screen during the tense moments. This episode kept a lot of things unmentioned. It never went into detail as to what Kinoko’s father, three friends and family did to her. All that we saw confirmed is that she was once abused by her father. Her father turned out to be obsessed and in love with her, and Kinoko knew this, so she used him as a scapegoat to take all the blame, which is why Kinoko didn’t kill him. He’d be sentenced to death anyway.

Still, I like series that assume that their viewer has a brain. There’s of course a fine line between left-out information and plain laziness, but I suspect that the creators knew full well what they were doing in this episode.

I think the reason why this episode wasn’t as good as the previous ones was that there were times in which we didn’t follow Aoki’s thought-pattern, but just jumped right to his conclusions, while the thing that made me fall in love with this series was the seemingly endless search for that one clue that helped to push the case closer to getting solved.

4 thoughts on “Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 06

  1. did they mention anything about maki’s past in this episode? Last episode’s ending was such a big cliffhanger.

    This episode looks intriguing, the screencap with the skeleton makes me think that this episode will be different from the earlier ones. Can’t wait to see this get subbed.

  2. You need to watch the episode again, it was quite clearly explained.

    Kinoko’s father abused her sexually. He was in love with her. Kiniko came to grow up to despite and loath men, and started luring men away to that ramshackle old house to kill them. Her father eventually figured out that Kiniko was killing men, and Kinoko also figured out that her father had found out about her activities.

    She knew her father loved her so much that he would do anything for her. So she killed her own family to get her father to take the blame. I don’t think she even had a reason to kill her own family, it was just a method of getting to her father and hiding her own murders.

    Kinoko was a cold-blooded killer, created by the actions of her own father. I don’t think the father realized just how badly he was played until he was sitting on deaths row, writing that letter.

  3. Ack! This series is so sneaky. It makes me think I understand everything, only to reveal an even deeper layer. Anyway, thanks for explaining. ^^;

    Rei: I don’t think anything was mentioned about Maki’s past this time.

  4. Oh, I also see that her name is kinuko not kinoko. I missed that earlier. It’s actually in the episode title. I guess that’s what I get for never learning to read katakana properly.

    also, some advice. I suggest you go over the difficult dialogue more then once. I takes some time but you will learn alot from it. I’m guessing you missed some stuff in this episode because you had trouble with the dialogue. I’m by no means great at Japanese, and i’ve got some serious problem with series like 図書館戦争 but Himitsu is quite easy, there’s some not alot of technical nonsense like in many mech-series and very few made up words and wierd loanwords, so it’s a great series for picking up new vocabulary 🙂

    Here’s the part where they talk about why she didn’t kill the father

    6.05 キヌコの服には血のようなものがついていました

    キヌコは知ってたんです。つゆぐち(name of father)が自分を愛していること。

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