Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei – 05

I guess this is the hot spring episode and as the fanservice escalates I am beginning to have second thoughts. That generally feeling when the thing you thought was great might not actually be all that great is seeping in. Sort of like the anime adaption of Parasyte which was strangely underwhelming despite the source material being so good. Though I think this at least will be the last of the fan service for a while and we will be returning to action next episode. Though I don’t know what’s up with that face the Ainsworth head is making to Miyu in the preview, I really hope Silver Link don’t add something that insinuates that direction. So todays episode introduces a little girl who’s the daughter of the Ainsworth family head and Gilgamesh puts a hot spring on the roof of the school. Gate of Babylon truly has everything though I wish they kept Gilgamesh in the scene as he added lines like trying to make the hot spring match Japanese customs so it didn’t seem that weird and out of place. Plus more Gilgamesh is always a good thing. It’s still poor reasoning to have a hot spring scene but hey it’s better than just having a hot spring randomly on the roof of a school.

Tanaka gives some insight into herself with her hate of Erika which seems to be her recognising that she was an Ainsworth instinctively. Her memory seems to begin at the moment she met Illya which seems to suggest she gained self awareness the moment she ran into her. I still think she is a counter guardian and by rule of thumb they generally work without awareness. The unlimited bladeworks series somewhat contradicts that by showing Archer as a counter guardian being aware of his surroundings but  in reality he learned of what he was doing then by getting a peek at the Akashic Records. The question of what exactly is she is another matter, I doubt she’s some form of ancient hero but she does remind me a bit of the human form of Ciel’s weapon from Tsukihime which was called Nanako.

Gilgamesh seems to know more about what is going on than he is giving away and duly noted by Chloe trying to get some exposition out of him. I am not too fond of this episode with all things considered but I do like how they introduced the main villain. Darius comes across as a silly doting father before revealing his true colours and it gives him more personality rather than just being the arcs villain. Some comedy worked here though Tanaka and Erika’s back and forths got somewhat tiresome. Erika I find to be a more interesting character as this arc goes along though here her main gimmick is playing a game of extreme reverse psychology and that is somewhat charming at first but begins to wear out it’s welcome by episodes end. Not a lot happened here so I don’t have much to say and I would have preferred they just get a move on with the main plot.


5 thoughts on “Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei – 05

  1. This is my rule for anime. If the hair of the character models is shiny, it’s most likely going to be shit.

    1. This was a crap episode, but I wouldn’t label this shit yet.
      Frankly if they can just get this one moment right which should happen at the end of this season then I will be satisfied.

      Wasn’t the hair of the Madoka character models shiny? It did kinda have that light streak making it like chrome.

    1. I was going to say when hell freezes over but was shocked to learn they dubbed seasons 2 and 3. Considering that season 3 was released at the start of this year it suggests that we might get season four dubbed next year. Though a date hasn’t been confirmed.

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