Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 04

Really, this is clearly the cleverest series to have come out this season. Kaiba may be good at other points, but Himitsu is a master in dropping hints that might solve the mystery. This series really draws you in like no other, also with the help of the terrific soundtrack. You really need to watch an episode at least twice in order to fully understand it.

The way the creators also revealed that Nanako fancies Aoki was also quite creative. Most series just show a very obvious and unsubtle blush, though Nanako instead just misses her chair, and you can also constant see her around Aoki, without him noticing it.

And the theme of this episode… it was really pushing taboos, as it reflected an issue of modern society that even Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei didn’t want to enter: the bother that elder people are to their younger generations. The culprit is a guy who ritualistically kills off older people who aren’t wanted by their families due to poverty. That one scene where the kid asks when he can get his own room: “you’ll get your room as soon as grandfather dies”. “Oh, I hope he dies soon then”.

On a side-note: there’s something I’ve been wondering. It rather annoys me a bit how many people are dismissing this series because it looks “gay” (what’s wrong with homosexuals anyway?). But at the same time, you don’t hear anyone saying this about Death Note (a series that shows quite a few similarities with Himitsu, by the way), even though that too featured a number of *ahem*”bishies”, that even ended up washing each other’s feet at one point.

6 thoughts on “Himitsu ~The Revelation~ – 04

  1. eipu: It’s the part where the two main characters meet and look each other deeply into the eye with this certain ‘gay’ atmosphere around. However, this extremely subtle ‘gayness’ is definitely not what the show so people who say clearly should look into the anime before they pass a judgement.

  2. I don’t give a damn whether it has any so-called “gay” atmosphere or not.If the story is good,i go for it.So far,Himitsu is not bad

  3. part of this episode reminded me of the first episode of Kaiba, particularly with regards to getting rid of people whose existence is just a burden. It’s a sad but accurate portrayal of our society…

    And those people who diss this show because of the BL vibes are just giving silly excuses to not want to engage in a thought-provoking show like this. Boo to them :p

  4. I interpreted the scene where the child asks when he will get his room, when grandpa dies as an interpretation of the old man. In a previous episode the victim saw the murderer as a monster the same can be applied here. It can also be that the mother is a sick person, truly a shocker, saying a morbid thing to a child.

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