Soul Eater – 04

I’m wondering… why does Tsubaki get naked when she’s in weapon-mode, and yet Soul gets to keep his clothes? I mean, I can understand how a bit of fanservice here and there is nice and all and how this would scare off the guys who are afraid to see other men without any clothes on, but at least keep things a bit consistent.

In any case, this episode started a bit disappointing, where Maka beat up Soul a few too many times. Jokes like these stopped being funny ever since Love Hina overused them. Thankfully, as this episode went along, it introduced a few new things, including a resonance-mode that goes wrong. And a Black Star who is actually calculating when he doesn’t need to ambush anyone.

Having said that though, this episode was the least funny of this series so far, since more than half of the jokes were just reused from the previous ones. The bad guy of this week, a teacher turned zombie that uses his own gravestone as a weapon, didn’t feel that inspired. This can mean two things:
1) This series already used up its best jokes and has run out of inspiration. Things would be pretty bad if this was the case.
2) Seeing as it’s 52 episodes we’re talking about, the creators cleverly decided to use their best jokes for later, when the characters are actually developed. Sortof like the Law of Ueki, which also was rather dull at this point. The next episode should be better, as it’ll introduce another major character: a certain Dr Frankenstein who used to partner up with Death Scythe before he met Maka’s mother (speaking of which, what happened to her? Heck, where has Shinigami’s wife run off to?)

20 thoughts on “Soul Eater – 04

  1. Actually, the Weapons are almost always portrayed as unclothed when in weapon form. That is odd that Soul is wearing his outfit…

    As tj said, the anime is just following the manga, and the first few intro episodes in shounen anime are always a bit silly.

  2. Oooh, trust me it’s option two. Dr. Stein is probably one of the more brilliant characters in the series, and it’s only after he’s introduced that the plot REALLY starts.

  3. “Jokes like these stopped being funny ever since Love Hina overused them”

    ahaha – so true

    I’d say option 1 – it seems like it’s going in that direction… from my intuition

  4. @asdf: Your intuition fails. If only this episode had included the panty flashes from the manga, my point would be much easier to make…

  5. Episodes 6 and 7 are going to be awesome, Soul Eater manga kicks into high gear a lot quicker than crap like Naruto and Bleach.

  6. I wonder why this anime tones down the fanservice from the manga? Usually the fanservice gets taken over the top.

  7. The manga is from 2003, so obviously after 5 things, stuff gets old.

    The anime is being faithful, at least. Either way, I agree, but I think the manga has its funny moments much later on. The anime needs to deliver them well.

  8. RmX: err, intuition can’t fail… it’s just a prediction, which can be claimed false, but fail… isn’t the right word… I can’t blame you though; so many Americans use this incorrectly.

    “If only this episode had included the panty flashes from the manga, my point would be much easier to make…”
    Well, the point is… it didn’t, did it?

    Lika: “I really wish people would actually read the source material before making assumptions”

    Well, excuse me for not researching and analyzing the magnificence on comical usage of the Soul Eater manga before expressing my opinions. Some people don’t really have the time to compare and contrast the manga and anime, you know.

  9. @asdf: Intuition fails if it does not correctly guess the outcome that is predicted in the mind. It’s not a matter of claiming that the prediction is false. It IS false because there is a source from which you can derive an answer to your prediction, namely the manga. It’s best that one such as yourself who has no time to research the source material to just keep quiet, because you will be shot down by those who know better.

  10. >>asdf

    I just think it’s stupid to make a baseless assumption without knowing anything whatsoever about a topic. For example, if you’ve read a book and didn’t like it, it’s perfectly fine to say that you think the movie’s going to be crap, unlike where you know very little about it and watched five minutes and assume the entire thing’s going to suck because of the five minutes that you watched, it makes the person come off like an idiot.

    Personally though, this chapter that the anime’s based off of is definitely one of the weakest chapters in the manga.

    And to keep this remotedly on topic, we never do find out about the mothers. Maybe one day, it’ll be a super special awesome plot twist, but until then, they remain unknown.

  11. guys relax, it’s all personal opinion in the end anyways. I didn’t think this episode was as funny as the other three, but really it’s just an episode leading up to the bigger plot. I personally think the fight scenes made up for it though, the fight in this episode was as good as the first three, if only because we get to see something new from the characters.

  12. intuition is a subconscious process, that is highly affected by the conscious rational thoughts, the bridge to connect the two if you will. People often describe it as a flash or a gut feeling. Intuition, predictions, instincts / ppl are using these terms too freely.

    but i thought the episode was kick ass, awesome resonance mode, the tuning of wavelength, awesome, awesome, need more souls!

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