Macross Frontier – 03

The quietest episode of Macross Frontier up till now, but for once everything felt right in it. There was a silly fanservice-joke in the beginning, which made me fear for the rest of the episode, but that one joke turned out to be used well in the rest of the episode, both for Sheryl’s character-development, as lightening the mood for a short moment, because only minutes later we switch to Ranka, seeing her “brother” wounded in one of the mecha.

So far, the only thing that this series has really suffered from is the classic “shoujo-syndrome”: no matter how big the world is: the major characters will always run into each other. This one got taken to the extreme in Code Geass, and I was starting to fear about this series, but thankfully this episode didn’t feature any of these coincidences, and it seems that the characters just used this in order to introduce the storyline.

The thing I like a lot about this series is Ranka’s fears, surprisingly enough. Even though she’s your usual traumatized girl, and in no way lives up to her counterparts of Shion (Shion no Ou) and Mina (Porfy no Nagai Tabi), but I loved that little scene where her hands just refused to let go of Alto, even though she tried to get them loose at all costs. At the end of this episode, she also showed that she’s not the whiny girl who won’t do anything but cower in fear (okay, auditioning with a song won’t exactly save the universe or something, but it’s glad to see her actually do something so early in the series).

8 thoughts on “Macross Frontier – 03

  1. So far, the only thing that this series has really suffered from is the classic “shoujo-syndrome”: no matter how big the world is: the major characters will always run into each other.

    That happens more often in real life than you think it does

  2. “At the end of this episode, she also showed that she’s not the whiny girl who won’t do anything but cower in fear (okay, auditioning with a song won’t exactly save the universe or something, but it’s glad to see her actually do something so early in the series).”

    This is clearly your first Macross series 😉 Btw you really should check out Macross Plus, I was surprised it wasn’t on your best OVA list until I realized you haven’t even seen it.

  3. I don’t know…Right now I’m more attractive to Sheryl. I probably preferred Ranka only if I was little younger.
    There are so many elements that remind me the first macross, although the position of two lead females are slightly different. I guess smooth love ending seems hard for this series anyway.

  4. “okay, auditioning with a song won’t exactly save the universe or something” it once saved the day … you never know.

    Anyway, some old series like Macross are really worth watching even if they are long.

  5. He should just go with DYRL and the Plus OVAs if he doesn’t have much time. If he can only watch one and he likes the music from Frontier go with Plus.

  6. “At the end of this episode, she also showed that she’s not the whiny girl who won’t do anything but cower in fear (okay, auditioning with a song won’t exactly save the universe or something, but it’s glad to see her actually do something so early in the series).”

    You’d be surprised !

  7. Hi guys, I have been an avid fan of Macross since it first broadcast in the 80s. I have watch all the series, movies, OVAs and I am very excited about the Macross F series (heck I even have the Robotech version as well as the Macross versions of the series)

    However, I am worried about one thing in this series which relates to the writing. When I watch the three episodes (so far), I couldn’t help the feeling that either the series is paying an homage to the original Macross, (i.e. with the rescue scene, Alto and Ranka being trapped together, and later on with Alto joining SMS and Ranka in the Miss Macross contest), or is it just ripping off the originals’ storyline.

    Yes there are new alien enemies (though this time we have no idea why they are attacking and the general population has no idea that they exist) and now the NUNS are completely useless as opposed to being in the forefront before (don’t really like this idea, somewhat illogical to think that a civilian contractor is better than actual military and have better hardware) – but the overall feel still feels like a rehashing to old story. If this continues, Ranka will win the Miss Macross contest and her song, a revised version of DYRL will unite the two warring factions..(oh please don’t let it be the same story with a new coat of paint!)

    What do you guys think?

  8. Yes, I am crossing my fingers and hope that the storyline doesn’t ended up like the old one!

    However, I must applaud the story writing people by introducing Sheryl to cater to our older generation’s taste but at the same time, having Ranka to make the story relevent to new generation.

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