Gundam 00 – 23

A Gundam 00-episode without any Saji?! Is it really possible! This episode proves that it is. Incidentally, it’s also one of the best episodes of this series yet, as this series finally sets itself apart from Gundam Wing, where the main cast just refused to die no matter what.

Right now, the thing that this series now needs to worry about is not to dive into some kind of vicious emo-circle because of the death of Lockon. It’s good that everyone’s moved, but that should be a sign for character-development. It shouldn’t be the green light for an emo-fest that’s about to happen.

I’m also getting a bit worried about the side-characters, though. The side characters have been dangerously neglected for the past few episodes. We’ve now seen plenty of the main characters. They’ve developed and all, but I can’t really say that about most of the people that the Celestial Beings are up against. Even Ali Al Sarshes never really changed. Of course, the rest of the first season probably won’t change that, because it needs to build up for the big twists at episode 25 (I still believe that the Celestial Beings will split up around that time), but it would be nice if the second season for Gundam 00 would actually pay some more attention to the side-characters.

10 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 23

  1. This….this…was an awesome episode…As I mentioned before…Lockon was by far my most favorite character and I wanted him to go on…if they had killed off another Meister I wouldn’t have felt as moved/or near teary eyed….As you said..this does in fact separate Mobile 00 from Gundam Wing (my all time favorite gundam series)..the shear intensity of the plot and its development is simple superb and outclasses G-Wing. Let’s hope the series continues on this path….nonetheless, I am very sadden. Rest in Peace Lockon!

  2. omgah, seriously he can’t die. he’s gonna be found hiding behind some comet i know it! reminds me of samurai 7 with half the team dying at the end.

  3. I don’t think Ali is dead. The Throne Eins exploded in a shower of pretty red and gold sparkles, and that didn’t happen with the Zwei in this episode. My money’s on him being rather injured and extremely cheesed off, but alive nonetheless.

  4. I’ll hold off my guesses for now. Though in previous shows they pulled the ‘back from the dead’ trick with amnesia or major injuries or whatever, Gundam 00 is (in some way) trying to be different. We’ll see if they follow forumula or come up with something new and interesting.

    I do agree that I’d like a couple more episodes for the supporting cast (development for HRL’s supersoldier, that idiot pilot’s history or motivation or whatever, and damn get that Flag captain back in!).

    They split up in Wing and in G Gundam only to reunite at the end. If it follows the Wing forumla then they will, but I guess we can’t be too sure. I’m guessing at least one of them will break off and it might be Setsuna. O_o;

  5. I haven’t watched enough Gundams to compare it to any of the other ones….well i guess i could compare it to seed and destiny…and IT IS 100000 times better…..althought the flavor is kind of the same on the idea that everyone wants peace but have to fight for it …which is a big paradox in itself ….but i guess all the GUndams are kind of like that

    As fro Lockon’s death, i had a feeling, but still i was impressed they actually “killed” him off, i must say it just makes the plot much more meaninful and touching….and his death scene was planned very beautifully, i really cried when he watches the earth(the seemingly beautiful earth) from far and asks, “are you satsified now, this world, like this…” and points his finger like a gun at it and said “i am not”. IT was very beautiful, and i must say he was one of my most beloved character.

    i agree w/ the main article…please dun fall into emo trap, that would make me emo to watch….and it would just be boring….as for that Ali guy, i truly wish he would die you know, i have never so desperately wanted a character to die, honestly, Ali is getting on my nerves….

    I wonder what they are going to use Lockon’s GN drive for, and i wonder if Nena is gona join?? IT is still so early to say anything….i rather just put it all into the writer’s hand and yah, whatever happens happens……all i know is it is prob not gona end up like Destiny…and that already makes me very very veyr happy= =

  6. What the hell – I am so pissed off after watching Ep 24…they spent all that time developing those characters…not to mention how I spent all that time watching them be developed…

    They should rename this anime to “Gundam Bloodbath”

  7. i wouldn’t say that. afterall, i dont recall any other gundam series of date which has eliminated so many of the main characters. i think this adds a nice element of disaster, seeing as nothing went to plan, nothing was foreseen and the gundam pilots are almost doomed, all at the same time!!!

    comon, how many other series have been so desperate??not even in gundam wing when all the pilots decided to join different faction was it this exciting. well, not exciting but mysterious.

    what i love most about this episode is that we see furthermore that pilots can die!(unlike gundam wing were they are immortal 🙂 )and waht does everyone else think will happen in the following episodes?i have no idea!!:@

  8. Gundam =/= Gundam Wing + Gundam Seed + Gundam 00

    There’s also Victory Gundam.
    Watch it and realize for yourselves was Yoshiyuki Tomino was nicknamed “Minagoroshi” Tomino (essentially “Kill’em All” Tomino).

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