Gundam 00 – 22

Now here is an awesome episode! It’s episodes like this one where everything comes together. Not in an extreme way like in Code Geass, but through a logical flow of events, that actually makes sense. At least, for the biggest part. There were a few plot-twists that just were too perfectly timed together. Thankfully though, this series has always managed to keep these kinds of twists right within the boundaries, and not the biggest focus of the episode anyway.

Because this episode was really about the death of two of the trinities! Mihael and Johan, both gone, with only Nena surviving. It’s a pity that the most annoying of the three had to survive, but something tells me that that girl is about to get a lot of character-development. Just one thing: don’t make her and Setsuna become lovers! This just isn’t the series that needs teenage romance!

Saji also received less screen-time than ever (about two seconds), so overall, I’m quite happy about what went on. It was also surprising that Aolia Shenberg put himself in a sleep, to awaken when the world has changed. Well, he’s dead now, and revealed his final trump: full utilization of the GN-drives, and probably the last push that the Gundams will get. From here, they won’t get any new powers, and they’re just going to have to survive with the slight lead that they have.

As it turns out, the Trinities were never part of Aolia Shenberg. They were just developed at a later stage, and improved here and there. What’s interesting is that the developers never suspected the hidden powers in the real Gundams. It also turns out that the betrayer worked on the Trinity-camp, and he was probably the one who gave the Trinities their assignments. This is also why the GN-drives in the hands of the AEU, HRF and the Union also won’t get these extended powers.

What this series now needs to do is progress in a logical way. Coincidental slips like this one are fine once in a while, but it mustn’t get out of control, like what happened in Code Geass. I still believe that the first season will end with the Celestial Beings disbanded, and especially now that Aolia Shenberg is dead it looks more and more likely to happen.

8 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 22

  1. Hmm… i like the way you put things about this episode. However i must disagree on what you said about Celestial beings being disbanded, reason 1 they do not know if he died that was only a message towards all GN-Drive users, reason 2 even do Veda was under Alejandro’s control the celestial beings did not hesitate to stay put and be together still, Final reason it seems that the four meisters are still getting started on War eradicating. Code Geass and Gundam 00 cannot be compared everything together since they both have different goals but they do have the same general conflict going on that is to destroy their enemies. But you’re right, i wonder what would happen to Nena now.

  2. Oh no way, I disagree too, this was quite an awful and illogical episode. Superpower comes from nowhere…well actually that’s so Gundam though…

  3. I can’t help but feel that this series would be so much better if Celestial Being and its pilots simply didn’t exist and the whole series was just about the power struggle between the HRL, the AEU, and the Union, perhaps with Ali in there somewhere to stir up trouble. The power bloc aces are so much more interesting and well-developed than the Meisters, and they don’t need lame glowy power-ups to kick ass.

  4. Superpowers isnt like Gundam. Just those new emo Gundams have such powerfull mechas. Go watch the real Gundam, Zeta Gundam, and see why Gundam became such a name!!

  5. Code Geass’ plotline going out of control was deliberate though in that it was showing Lelouche’s control of events faltering as more sinister and unexplained players began to enter the stage. It’s an organized chaos if that makes any sense.

    It’s also not an upgrade, powerup or superpower if the Exia had it all along it’s more like a limit break (I just had to go an further the link with omni slash) that removed all restraints on the GN Drive and allowed it to operate full tilt for a little while. Trans-Am is no more or less a superpower than the classic Biosensor invincibility and giant beam saber that the Zeta Gundam showcased, which was also quite glowy.

  6. “Superpowers isnt like Gundam”

    who are u kidding? other than few exceptions, n zeta gundam aint one of it, almost all of gundam series are about superpowers. newtype; bits/funnels control, build in enemy sensor, mecha-pilot sync. coordinator; just a pun for newtype. gundam zz n g gundam are just out of control. at least with g00, they made it all about the mecha not the pilot, like in gundam wing.

  7. I still like how it turned out overall, at least compared to the previous Gundam series (prior to this one).

    I like how Setsuna can’t hit anything with his gun and how even their ‘ace’ sharpshooter still misses.

    It shows that the pilots are very human and so far it’s their ideals and technology keeping them ahead.

    This shows even with the Trinity siblings how they lack skill once the enemy gains even ground with the mobile suits.

    If you want uber-underpowered realistic mecha combat go watch 08 MS Team. Heck their mobile suits broke down from too much sand in the foot gear thingy. XD

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