Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 22

One thing that I do want to praise this series about is the balls that it has to go really extreme. After the Boat-arc, for a minute I feared that Kaiji would try to stop the punishment of Tonegawa. Instead, Tonegawa has proven that he’s a real man this time, even though he lost. He was just unable to escape the clutches of the employer he worked for for decades. His final moments were truly terrific, and I’m glad to say that this series now has two well-developed characters. And with a bit of luck, the chairman will make this count three, but that depends entirely on what’s going to happen for the final four episodes.

At the moment, I still don’t regard Kaiji as a flawless series. The boat-arc and especially the beam-arc dragged on, were a tad predictable and lacked engaging characters to keep me interested. And yet, the past few episodes, ever since Kaiji cut off his ear, have been absolutely amazing. I guess that that’s the time since the characters clicked with me.

The chairman has been an interesting character so far, with an interesting philosophy, but he still lacks development a bit. This episode told a bit of his background, but the final episodes still do have a bit of work to do. It would be a bit of a shame for Kaiji to just defeat the guy and make an end to his twisted ideas.

5 thoughts on “Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 22

  1. Dorne: what kind of browser are you using? Because I have no problems seeing them. Am I the only one in this, or can other people see the images as well?

  2. I can see the images.

    Even though Tonegawa had his forehead BBQ’ed, he took it like a man. I can’t wait to see what Kaiji’s final crazy scheme will be.

  3. pgsels- I can see the screenshots fine.

    Yeah, I liked this episode too. I guess Kaiji’s going to do something with the tissue boxes, because the next gamble is called “Tissue Box Raffle”.

  4. @psgels: Even in firefox it won’t work for me. Oh well, I already watched the episode so I’m fine. It’s probably just something with my settings.

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