Gundam 00 – 21

Really, this series is getting more interesting with every episode now. With only just one test-battle, the new units have managed to damage one Gundam, which means that the defeat of the Gundams will be just a matter of time. If I had to guess, then the creators are indeed planning to make episode 25 some kind of huge turning-point, and it really seems like the second half of this series will be totally different from the first one.

Especially Sumeragi and Alejandro got a lot of attention in this episode (finally I can understand why Sumeragi has been selected as the tactical advisor), and Alejandro is proving to be a very interesting antagonist. The Gundam Meisters too were quite interesting in this episode, as we get to see what would happen if the Gundams were to abandon them. For Setsuna and Tieria, this is the biggest shock. Setsuna gets reminded of his time as a child-soldier, while Tieria just was too afraid to do anything, even when the back-up system returned.

Speaking of Setsuna, this guy is actually becoming one of my favourite characters of this series. I’m not sure what it is; his ideals are very simple and naive, and yet I like what the guy is trying to do. His ideals are clearly on the good side of the spectrum, but yet they’re not as one-sided as in for example the lead guy in Princess Mononoke.

But seriously… would it really be too much to ask for someone to just SHOOT Saji? Okay, I could have seen it coming that he would spend this entire episode mourning about his sister, but the fact remains that he’s been by far the most annoying character in this series.

9 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 21

  1. how can you say that?! Saji is going to rule the world with HATRED!!!! j/k

    I bet episode 25 would be a massive cliff hanger and we will have to wait ages for the rest >.

  2. I hope they really have a good part for Saji in this story, since frankly, they spent too much time on him to just kill him off. If he dies without doing anything significant his entire presence on the show would be a complete waste of time.

    On the other hand, I hope they don’t make him into an angsty revenge-driven emo Gundam Meister ala Shinn Asuka. I just hope the script writers have a little more creativity in them.

  3. actually, Tieria was not afraid, it’s just his system malfunctioned and Virtue did not switch to independent system. so the only ones that actually got power where Kyros, Exia and Dynames.

  4. I was surprised that the Meisters were able to hold up against the enemy. But anyways look at what suit Ali is in during the preview for 22. The interior gives it away.

  5. I don’t think Tieria was afraid as much as he was in utter shock at Veda’s betrayal.

    Anyway, can’t wait for episode 22!

  6. While i would agree that Saji and crew were a bit annoying at first…i have come to like the human /civilian element he brings to the series….i think it balances out pretty and personally looking forward to see which direction he goes….

    Man…the most shocking bit for me is Lockon almost dying…he is, by far, my most favorite character in this show. The most balanced as well. If they kill him off I am gonna lose it… 🙁

    Great Episode! Bring of Ep 22!!! God i wish there weren’t gonna be any breaks! Chuh Man!

  7. “I bet episode 25 would be a massive cliff hanger and we will have to wait ages for the rest >.”

    this ain’t code geass, never heard any gundam series have been done that way before.

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