Baccano! – 14

Thank you pgal, for pointing out that the first of three Baccano! DVD-only episodes has arrived. The length has been increased to half an hour, and this episode basically spends its time fleshing out some of the characters of the series, and introducing one new guy. I’m not sure what the point was behind some scenes, though. At one point, we see Isaac and Miria laying down some kind of domino-course in front of a baffled Firo. It was also a bit hard when the new guy used a wrench to deflect a bullet.
In any case, this episode featured a lot of good stuff. The new guy (I couldn’t pick up his name, unfortunately) met Ladd in the past and he’s about to go after Jacuzzi. Huey also gets a bit more development, and we see some time he spent with Chane (who was too cute when she was young, by the way). Apart from that and Rachel sees Chezlaw (who seems to hang out with Ennis now) again.

I obviously missed a lot of dialogue because I watched this raw, but I think that even with some kind of translation it’ll be rather impossible to figure out where the creators plan to be going. The only way to find out is to wait for episode 15 and 16.

3 thoughts on “Baccano! – 14

  1. All the events should be happening in 1932 (flashbacks excluded, of course), and are based off a side novel. This will tie up some of the remaining plotlines.

    The new guy’s name is Graham 🙂 He’s rambling about his own personal philosophy in life.

  2. The new guy is Graham Spectre (or Spector, or however you are supposed to romanize his surname) – his name is actually in the episode title.

    I’m not really sure there is likely to be a point to a lot of the scenes in this episode – I can’t really see there being any point in the domino stuff as anything other than comic relief (I mean, seriously, they even got the demon chipping in on that effort).

    As for the next episode, it’s kind of a shame they’re skipping a DVD volume, meaning there’s a two month wait between 14 and 15. Bah. Also, I’m not sure if it’s clean enough to actually read in the raws floating around, but that note in the next episode review is written in English, and should give you a pretty good idea about what the focus of the next episode will be.

  3. I was just going to point out that the latest DVD episode (15) is out now. I’ve only found a 100 meg raw yet. If you are a share user there are probably better versions available.

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