One Punch Man – 10-11

Some anime original content to start off our episode showing off the capabilities of Tsumaki. She happened to have the personality of a tsundere loli yet despite that it’s not all that aggravating. Potentially the reason for that is that the stereotype is recognised by the characters in the show as what it truly is, not endearing but rude and annoying. It also helps that she happens to be able to pull a comet down to earth to smash her enemies to kingdom come. Tsumaki isn’t the only one to get the spotlight as we are introduced to the entirety of the Class S heroes, all of whom are as ridiculous as Puri Puri prisoner.

A really nice touch was the addition of a small bit of character development for Prisoner who took the Sea Kings advice to heart to improve himself. It’s small but it’s a worthy addition. Here is an interesting fact about the maze that Saitama was stuck in. The overhead view of the Maze was not drawn by web artist ONE or manga artist Murata. It was in fact drawn by a Japanese father as a hobby and it took him over seven years to complete. The artist asked for permission to use the maze in One Punch Man. The battle against Lord Boro’s looks to be a animation tour De force for Madhouse. With the S Class heroes taking on one of the Alien Generals while Saitama wreaks up the ship. Naturally Saitama has time to be the Saitama we all know and love. From tricking a General into leading him into the control centre and taking him out by chucking a pebble. The best joke by far being Saitama’s reaction to Boro’s surviving his Punch and claiming he broke the Armour that limited his power.

I said it many times before but episodes like these truly make things difficult for me. You can’t really criticise action beyond talking about animation and I said my piece on that. I suppose I could say with one episode left that Madhouse have truly done the manga and webcomic justice. I wonder why a dub hasn’t been in works yet. No offense to the sejous, they are quite talented but I always found it easier to immerse myself in an anime when I don’t have to read subtitles all the time. I am dub fan at heart and mainly went for subtitles out of necessity to keep up with the latest shows. Though if I ever learn Japanese then I will surely watch anime the way it’s meant to be watched, raw. One Punch man does have the potential to be a western hit and the only thing getting in the way of that is its sub only status. But unlike Kara no Kyoukai, I doubt it remain undubbed.

5 thoughts on “One Punch Man – 10-11

  1. *shrugs* I guess enjoying shows with subtitles is acquired skill you learn in places where they don’t dub anything xD

    …Which is good thing in case of my country since our dubbing sucks xP

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