Subete ga F ni Naru – 06

I can’t say I enjoyed this episode of Subete too much, mainly because there was less investigating and more character building. That wouldn’t be a problem if the character building wasn’t so focused on our main leads. The leads are fine, what we need is to expand on the other characters present on the island otherwise who can we point our fingers at and say “There! They did it!” Out of our entire cast, four of them are rounded enough to be considered suspects. Two of those are the detectives and the other two are presumably dead. We still have a host of workers and support characters who have as much depth as a cardboard cutout and if this series does decide that one of these people is the murderer then it’s going to have to make it much more justifiable with its second half. I was rather frustrated to see this episode focus on our two lead arguing over leaving the island, explaining everything we already know to some people who seem irrelevant to the case and the going back to the facility. Admittedly it does establish a reason why this teacher would be given the authority to act as an investigator but it feels that’s all this episode really did. The conflict seemed just like unnecessary filler seeing as it all was pushed aside so easily.

What new information we did learn was minor. One is that when the body of Magata was exiting her room on the robot trolley, the elevator was called to the roof suggesting that someone was there during the time of the incident. The other was that Magata did indeed stab and kill her parents which has me confused. If she intended to do the deed herself then why did she present the knife to the director? Why kill them openly in front of the director and his wife? Her actions make it seem that she wanted to get caught which counter her desires to be unchained. Why did she tell Moe that a “doll” killed her parents? I guess just like our main characters, we just know far too little on these matters to make a judgement. It’s possible that now is when the real investigation starts but if that is the case then I hope we work in some red herrings and side character development. For if this series focuses far too much on the “how did it happen” then the reveal of “why it happened” could come off as cheap and lacking impact.

11 thoughts on “Subete ga F ni Naru – 06

  1. She killed them because her uncle (and lover, ugh) was clearly a coward. He couldn’t do the deal, but Twenty Personalities is a total nut, so she did the deed. If I was a kid, and I had an adult wrapped around my finger, I would get them to do it, because they have greater killing force.

    As for the “doll” killing her parents, this was explained, I think, in the previous episode. The “doll” is her body, where all the personalities reside. In Magata’s mind, her body isn’t herself, because she is so many people.

    So, who are our suspects for the present murder? One is Magata’s little sister, the other is the mother, and I think the third is- Magata herself! We still don’t know what “Everything becomes F” means, or what “The Perfect Insider” means, but I think that our means of death is technological. That robot has an arm that can perform functions. If it can open a door, can it also, I don’t know, cut limbs off? Magata puts herself into a medically induced coma, the robot cuts her up, and then it cleans up.

    I think Magata needs an accomplice, though. Somebody (or some robot) probably slid out from that cart and went in the elevator. Had to be precision timing, though.

    1. I thought they provided a good explanation for “Everything Becomes F” when they said “Fifteen”. Conveniently, 15 in hexadecimal is also F.

      1. Ohh, oh yeah. I was wondering why they focused on 15. Still, why would “Everything become fifteen”? Does it mean that the number 15 is a key to what happened?

  2. Hypothesis:

    Magata gave birth to a secret love child in the room. Waited 15 years. No one else knew because the only way to contact the room is through video-cam, which can easily be fabricated.

    Once the kid was old enough, Magata cut off her limbs and sent her out on a trolley, using the kid to impersonate her. Magata goes up the elevator as everyone is distracted and pretends to be Magata’s sister.

    The director was involved in the plot. But Magata double-crosses him and plants a knife in the back of his neck.

    Then Magata is free as she pretends to be Magata’s sister.

    1. Magata’s sister arrived with the directors wife however. Plus we seen her leave the helicopter so the helicopter would have needed to make a secret trip to the facility, pick up Magata, leave and then arrive again with Magata and the directors wife in tow.

      1. The director claims he picked up Magata’s sister. He was lying about that.

        The director never left the helicopter. Magata Shiki went from the elevator into the helicopter as part of their plan, except right before she leaves the helicopter and a few seconds after the director gives the thumbs up and everyone looks away she stabs him in the back of his neck. Then Shiki walks out of the helicopter pretending to be her sister.


        1. I think you’re believing that Magata’s sister is the same age. She’s not. We’ve had talks about the sisters in comparison to age, even in this episode. Magata’s sister cannot pass for her. Magata is clearly an adult.

      2. 1. The director’s wife wasn’t there when the director landed with the helicopter. Only Magata Shiki’s “sister” stepped down from it.

        2. The problem of course is that there was no way for her to kill the director after he gave the thumbs up sign. Both of them were in plain view.

      1. Wait: is Magata’s “sister” actually Magata and the Director’s love child? Magata killed her parents. We see no hint of a little sister in the flashbacks.

  3. Another possibility (and the most likely one):

    The director, after dropping off Shiki’s sister, intended to pick up Magata Shiki as part of the plan. Magata Shiki sent her daughter out on the trolley without her limbs while she escaped up the elevator. She was supposed to meet the director and leave with him on the helicopter.

    Except Magata Shiki had other ideas and planted a knife in the back of his neck after everyone else went back downstairs. This would fit the timeline well.

    However, there’s a major issue: why isn’t Magata Shiki’s sister in the flashbacks? Why wasn’t she at the family dinner?

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