Bleach – 73

This was another one of those Bleach specials, which took up twice the amount of time a normal episode does. It’s been split into two parts. In the first part, the gigantic challenge against the blue slime blobs continues. In the second part, we get some background info about the Quincys.

The first part was pure garbage. The bad guys already have so many weaknesses, and still Ichigo & co just randomly hit the slime for numerous of times, in the hope of being being lucky and destroying them. And on top of that, the creators decided to give the bad guys even more weaknesses than they already had. And still it takes our group twenty friggin’ minutes to defeat these guys. Actually, in the end they even need the help from Hana and Ganju in order to actually win this pathetic fight. I’m seriously getting worried about the next couple of battles if this goes on.

The second part features something that Bleach should’ve tried ages ago: characters who are actually holding a conversation. It gave a nice twist for the series, and we got to see a bit more background behind the woman and the main bad guy. This was very nice to see, especially Ishida’s attempts to hit on her. I like it that he’s been the thing that the Bounto’s need, instead of someone like Inoue, Ichigo or Rukia. He makes for a very original damsel in distress. Although this part was nice to see, it did make me worried about the next couple of episodes. First of all, Ishida has some hidden powers slumbering within him. This is NOT good. Absolutely NOT good. I would have loved to see him struggle without powers for the rest of the series. It makes so much more sense, it’s very original, and it gives so much chances for some nice scenes. But I guess I got my hopes up too high. The second thing I’m worried about is the entire army that the main gad guy managed to recruit. There are like eight bad guys remaining. Each one has their own story. I’m predicting that they’ll either get two or three episodes devoted to them, so that makes for about twenty more episodes before the series gets back on tracks. I think I’ll have a horrible time trying to survive this.

0 thoughts on “Bleach – 73

  1. Hmm… but Ishida hasn’t regained his power in the manga yet. I can’t see him magically gaining them in the anime…

  2. Heh, yeah, htat may indeed be true. But then again, the creators of the anime also went away from the manga by introducing Rukia, Renji, Ganju and Hana too early. I wonder what’s going on in their minds…

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