Gundam 00 – 14

Thankfully, the new OP and ED are much better now. They’re still a bit standard, but the first OP and ED just didn’t fit this series, not to mention that the ED finally has some quality animation that this series has been surprisingly lacking, considering the timeslot it’s on and all. I’m glad enough that they fit the epic feeling of this series. I still remember how the first ED gave me a headache when I watched it for the first time.

In any case, this episode is an intermezzo, introducing the next and biggest challenge for the Gundams yet, when they basically have to take on all kinds of elite-pilots from both the AEU and the Union, teamed up together. We also get a bit more information about how humans are able to live in outer-space for so long: by use of nano-machines. I must praise this series for this, because I think that it’s the first anime that I’ve seen that considers the strains on the human body if it lives in outer-space for too long. I now also know why we sometimes see the crew back on earth: to remain mentally healthy (hah!).

And Setsuna yet again surprises us with his sense of duty when he yet again goes off on his own. This time, he goes to visit Marina Ismael (whose guards are surprisingly lazy) while she’s sleeping for no particular reason. Still, I finally see where the creators are going with him. I think that it’s safe to say that he’s the youngest member of the Celestial Beings, and I don’t think that when he became a Gundam Meister, he was so young that his sense of duty wasn’t really that of an adult, and I also doubt that he had any choice in that matter. Someone like Lockon just had one horrible experience in his past, but Setsuna never got the chance to grow up normally.

In any case, because of this he’s the most sceptic Celestial Being about the mission. Something tells me that all he cares about is Exia, not the ultimate mission of the Celestial Beings. This episode mentioned it as well: he’s beginning to see himself as some kind of God, instead of a killing-machine. Because of that, he’s starting to wonder why people fight in this world. And something tells me that Saji and Louise (whose mother finally left in this episode) will play a key-part in this.

Sure, the characters are definitely not the most likable out there, and I don’t deny that some of them are pretty stupid, but their development has been going into a very interesting direction.

6 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 14

  1. I’m gonna guess that the title for the next episode hints at a gundam getting captured or Celestial Being losing. I’m interested to figure out how the 3 in the new OP are built.

  2. SURPRISE, NO battle scenes!!!(in Gundam??)
    Personally, this series has been less shocking and just kept repetitive than any other usual gundam seires from the past so far.
    I think it’s about the right time that something really important could start happening though.
    The best parts of this episode were Patrick being Amuro(?) and Ueda Yuji’s acting of Billy. (makes me cry, my godT_T)

    Plus, I say the first OP and ED were better than the new ones. Cause honestly those scences from the new ED felt too too targeted…anyway, at least they made me laugh lol

    Thnaks for the review everyday!

  3. I like the Setsuna x Marina parts, they are the reason I’m watching the show. I don’t have a problem with this series as most people because I don’t read into too much. I watch the show not expecting anything and I always end up happy and content with it in the end. 🙂

  4. Oh, man, Patrick getting his ass handed to him was probably the best part of the whole episode. He’s such a loser and I love him for it. xD

    I was totally expecting the battle to happen this episode…guess we’ll have to wait for the next one. D:

  5. I personally thought Setsuna’s actions towards Marina makes him a doofus more than anything else, which is, honestly, a good thing in my book. What can I say, I have a soft spot for infatuated dorky young boys. XD

  6. i think it’s great to sometimes skip the battle scenes. if they fight on each and every episode, then it would really turn out just like seed, which was utter crap. my god, same scene for every episode, freedom shoots from one angle and miraculously hits every target.

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