Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There! – 09

So the reason Itami got married was because a girl pretty much said take care of me and I will marry you. And the reason why she divorced him was because Itami believed she saw him as a meal ticket when she had developed feelings for him. Those are oddest reasons for a marriage and breakup I have seen and even afterwards they are on good, if not better terms with each other. Can’t say I like the princess and her guard becoming fujoshis. I like the idea of old cultures experiencing modern media and suggesting the potential possibility that if this media existed back then the likes of renaissance painters and Roman emperors could easily become Anime Otakus or fanboys of any kind.

But the Fujoshi girl has become so common in anime that it has practically become a trope. It’s tiresome, namely because the joke of a Fujoshi girl is that she is a Fujoshi and all the punchline really is, is just reminding us that she’s a Fujoshi. Comedy is the weakest link of this show and proof of that is the princesses running joke of saying that she didn’t believe such things existed in this world and her subordinate reminding her that it’s another world. It wasn’t funny the first time and it certainly wasn’t funny the third or fourth time either. At most the girls going to the library to search for “Art” (AKA, BL manga) was mildly amusing at best. The best joke so far was regarding the girls saying there age during the courtroom drama but other than that most of the otaku and other jokes just fall flat.

Oh Gate, giving the soldiers codenames based on Fate/stay night servants. Just bravo sir, the nasufan within me let out a small “yay!” This episode does bring out a particular nationalist trait of the source material which turns off a lot of people off the story but I think I will save that conversation till next episode. Itami knowing the defense minister is another one of those aspects which calls to question whether he is a secret genius or a lucky idiot. The end of the episode was a major cliffhanger for some as Rory seduces Itami and most likely will get interrupted first thing next episode. All things considered, at least Itami has some very good reasons to be hesitant about this approach as regardless of her actual age, Rory still looks like a minor. But if her doesn’t help her blow off steam she’s going to go kill crazy and start chopping up soldiers while disregarding sides.

4 thoughts on “Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There! – 09

  1. That joke is almost as bad as the “YOU’RE DOING SOMETHING THAT GOES AGAINST COMMON SENSE AND NOW I HAVE TO SCREAM LOUDLY CUE LAUGHTER NOW” jokes that many shounen manga fall into the trap of.

  2. “Can’t say I like the princess and her guard becoming fujoshis. I like the idea of old cultures experiencing modern media and suggesting the potential possibility that if this media existed back then the likes of renaissance painters and Roman emperors could easily become Anime Otakus or fanboys of any kind.”

    There’s not a single answer for this setup. What if Kubrick had embraced CGI like Spielberg. What if DaVinci had photoshop? What if Michelangelo had knew 3D modelling programs?

    I’m not watching these series, but the way you wrote it could make it sound more interesting. I mean Stalin liked to draw naked men. Superman’s first artist had a thing to draw bondage pulp comics. It’s possible, but I suppose the inherent problem is that it is an anime trope having fujoshis more than someone from another era becoming one.

    1. If I ever invented a time machine, first thing I would do would be to grab old filmmakers like Hitchcock and show them modern movies. It would be interesting to see how they react to it and what they would do with it. This is just conjecture but I think a lot of film and animation techniques where born out of limitation and without those limitations would the works of famous filmmakers become better or worse?

      This particular problem lies in giving a potentially interesting character the traits of a typical anime trope and making them more stereotypical as a result.

      1. That will also raise the questions of what modern audiences want to see. Since a lot of now classical movies didn’t win an oscar when they first got released. I also hastily feel old filmakers actually read a book every now and then considering several big budget films have awful writing.

        Also yeah, my point was mainly about that the idea could be a story by itself, but the execution is likely only an excuse to pander to certain part of the audience.

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