Gangsta. – 05

This point I will likely hammer into the ground but I will repeat it as long as it remains to be a problem. The twilight superpowered humans are just not suited for this show and what’s worse is that they are taking it over. I tried this episode to embrace the idea that these characters are here to stay and are a part of the setting but they just seem so absurd that this becomes impossible. The fight between Nicholas and the knife boy was just ridiculous in it’s presentation. You can say these are strengthened humans and add in made up drugs that remove pain limiters but you just can’t have a character use a guy’s shoulder to propel himself five stories high and expect me to accept that. Gravity still exists no matter how strong you are. On that note was it really necessary to invent a drug which basically functions as a powerful painkiller and to give it a name as strange as “Celebrer”?  That name makes it sound more like a celebrity gossip column than a drug. Basically when it comes to the Twilights this show operated on Shounen rules such as gravity is non existent and all wounds heal with bandages. But the other aspects function more as a Seinen rules causing a strange disconnect between the two worlds.

We also have the introduction of this new scared army woman who is in charge of a large group of twilights and keeps them in line. I will refrain from making a comparison to a certain show again but it’s pretty obvious just who this character is like. One thing that worries me about this show is a potential jump the shark moment with Alex’s pimp. It’s unlikely but with the complete ridiculousness of Samurai Flamenco, I can’t rule out the possibility of the pimp being still alive. The twilights shaking off knife wounds are not helping matters. I don’t think this show will slip up with such a grievous misstep and it’s much more likely Alex was just hallucinating due to her own trauma. If anything it makes more sense that the doctor kidnapped her as he did have the same umbrella. But the fact that I cannot rule it out is a concern. At the moment I admit that my interest in this show is slipping and while we learned a little backstory about Nicolas taking on Monroe’s goons once as a kid and nearly decimating them, I find that it doesn’t really give much insight into his character. The thing that caught my attention more was the mention of the girl called Verona who apparently overdosed on the painkiller drug. What she is to Nicholas is a much more interesting question than what was Nicholas’s track record of killing goons. Overall for this show to improve I think we need more character building episodes and the action to be more grounded in reality.

14 thoughts on “Gangsta. – 05

  1. LOL “Painkiller” drug. Twilights need it to stay alive. They are descendants of normal humans who took the drug. There are 2 types of celebrer. Uppers and Downers. Upper acts as a stimulant, increasing the physical capabilities of the user tremendously at the cost of a reduced lifespan. When overdosed on Upper, users gain severely numbed pain receptors but also run the risk of incurring organ damage and a manic state. Downer is used as a depressant or tranquilizer, slowing the senses and movement. If taken after Upper it can help maintain the body’s stability. When overdosed on Downer, it can cause loss of consciousness, risk of organ damage and fatigue. -(Taken off the Gangsta wiki because I’m too lazy to paraphrase.) In episode 6, there’s more background story. I guess they’re going to slowly flesh out their characters while still telling some of the main story. Now now stop spouting mindless and ignorant crap without doing some research.

    1. Rat, can you honestly tell me that explanation isn’t more laughable than a powerful painkiller? At least the painkiller makes more sense.

  2. Your review is all over the place, please do some actual research on the show or read the source material.

    1. I am judging it by the anime. Any anime that requires research to be enjoyed has failed in presentation.
      Though if referring to the writing, how so is it all over the place, for future reference.

  3. Oh yeah, I can get into the Fate series and know exactly everything about it as I watch it without doing some research. Okay Mr. Bias

    1. I just knew someone was going to bring that up. But son, I am pretty certain that none of my reviews of that show suggested to read the vn before watching the show. And I did judge it by the anime.

  4. Because you’re so bias, that you fail to realize that you can’t understand everything that they throw at you. Remember that 5 extra points for the bias. “I did just judge it by the anime.”

    1. The one thing I seem to have misunderstood that you have pointed out so far is the drug, the drug that was mentioned once in episode 3, whose effects were not explained at all. Just that there were upper and downer variants. True you could connect that twilight’s needed to live as they were given to that girl but honestly I just assumed she was a special case and that the drug Nicholas was using was another drug entirely.
      But please think for a moment. Maybe, just maybe, I ain’t the one with the bias here?

      1. I’m not being bias. You’re writing the show off already when the series isn’t even complete. Maybe things will be clarified in the future episodes. Some series do this. K is an example. All I’m say is to just give it a chance before judging it.

        1. It’s an episode review. I am writing my current opinion on it cause that’s the point. I am not writing this show off.
          But K was a bad example to list. That was a horrible anime.

          1. Your way of interpreting anime is horrible. LOL, are we arguing about whether K is a good or bad anime? No, I don’t think so. I’m just used it as an example. So what does that have to do with it being a good or bad anime? Since we’re talking about what animes that are “bad,” Gakkou Gurashi is a shit show. Why are you reviewing it?

  5. I can agree with the fact that if this show had no superpower twilight stuff and was had a down to earth plot that it might be a little better. But if you look at all of the action anime out there the main character and others always have some ability stemming from “Alien, bloodline, weapon, drug, demon, etc”. This show has the same thing so its no big deal.

    I think the one thing that this show does great is just the backstory. Every episode you are fed one more piece of the puzzle. There are small 15 second clips of the past where they dont say exactly what happen but you can draw conclusions. I think that’s the mark of a great show when they can show you just enough for you to understand without having to explain it all at once and devoting an entire episode just on the plot. Good examples of how this show does this is 1. Nic is in the whorehouse and he is in a room with (Probably Verona) 2. Worics backstory where someone kills his dad 3. Woric/Nic flashbacks with the police dude.

    All of these will probably be shown and explained in a future episode its just cool how they introduce them bit by bit letting you draw conclusions on your own. You dont have to go on wiki or do any research, the fun part is not knowing and learning along the way.

    Final Note: This show is a long ways from perfect, but please talk about some of the pros man. : )

  6. What a downer review, I used to like the reviews here because they listed both the cons and the pro’s. All you practically do is hate hate hate. Sad the original owner had to quit.. the reviews have been shitty ever since he stopped doing it himself.

    1. Could you please not use a single review as a means to judge the entirety of what I wrote? I certainly ain’t hating on the other two shows and I do say positive things about gangsta. I just didn’t have much positive to say about this one episode.
      And by all means, elaborate on how the reviews are “shitty”. I am open to constructive criticism, otherwise how can I unshitty them?

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